
Learn How to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment

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An old saying goes, “In life, everything does not go according to plan. If you fall, get back up. If you stumble, regain your balance. Never give up.” Indeed, life often does not work as we envisage it to be. But, no one knows this saying better than a college student. They often lead a more stressful life than that of a corporate executive or the chef of a Michelin-starred restaurant, handling back-to-back assignment submission deadlines throughout their academic career. However, often they stumble across a roadblock that delays their preparation for assignments. Hence, they need to ask for an extension on an assignment submission deadline. If you are stuck with the same issue and are unaware of how to ask for an extension on an assignment submission deadline, read this blog. Here, we have shared the dos and don’ts of approaching your college management and also provided samples of letters to send to your professor.

What is an Extension on an Assignment?

Before we share with you how to ask for an extension on an assignment, it is essential to clarify the idea of an extension on an assignment. Simply put, an extension on an assignment or extension deadline is the additional time that you request from the college or university you are enrolled in to complete and submit the assigned project.

There could be multiple reasons for you to fall behind in completing a task. During such incidents, you need to get permission from your professor or university or request that they allow you to submit it at a later date. However, you cannot just inform your college’s authority or your professor informally by telling them through word of mouth. You need to follow a specific format to mail it to the required authority. Additionally, it is important to have a substantial reason for the late delivery of the task.

Why Do Students Ask For An Extension On An Assignment?

Several reasons compel students to ask for an extension on an assignment. Some of the most common ones are:

Personal Illness Or Emergency

One of the primary reasons why students ask for an extension on an assignment is a personal illness or emergency. Students often go through personal illness or some personal emergency while preparing an assignment. It affects their assignment completion time. Hence, they ask for an extension of the assignment.

Technical Difficulties With Equipment Or Internet Access

Sometimes students come into contact with technical difficulties like a broken computer or poor internet connection. It hampers their assignment-writing process. Hence, students fail to complete their assignments on time. If you have come across a similar issue and want to apply for an extension for the submission of your paper for technical errors, make sure to provide a document of proof to support your statement.

Lack of Understanding of the assignment topic

The other most prominent reason for asking for an extension on an assignment is a lack of understanding of the assignment topic or difficulty finding resources on the topic. In this case, you can also ask for additional help from professors or the management of the academic institution to assist in gaining knowledge on the topic or finding materials.

Locked in Hectic Work or Other Time-Consuming Activities

Most students who are enrolled in colleges and higher academic institutions are engaged in internships or part-time jobs. Additional pressure in work or other time-consuming activities is justifiable enough to hamper the assignment writing process. Hence, if you are going through such issues in your life, make sure to mention them when you ask for an extension on an assignment.

Unexpected Events

The other prominent reason for students to ask for an extension on an assignment is unexpected events. It can be anything from hurricanes and blizzards to accidents. These natural or unexpected human error calamities can deter a student from completing assignments on time. It can make you ask for an extension on an assignment.

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How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

how to ask for an extension on an assignment

Follow the simple tips to ask for an extension on an assignment.

Be truthful

Professors have observed many fabricated stories presented by students. Hence, they can recognize dishonesty very easily. Therefore, be honest. Tell your instructor the reality of what you are experiencing. Use language that sheds light on the situation for your professor to understand but also expresses your requirements.

Communicate clearly

Uncomplicated and candid communication is the key to a more flexible deadline. If a short-term problem puts you off finishing your work, make it clear that the circumstances are temporary. However, if it is a longer-term issue, ask for an extension on your assignment by speaking to your professor in person. Decide on submitting your project on a date that is feasible for you and your instructor.

Provide a solution

Avoid assuming things. Do not let your instructor figure out the next step to take after you request an extension on your assignment deadline. Consider a new deadline by which you can certainly complete your work. Reflect on the nature of your situation and propose a reasonable timeline to your professor. However, don’t back off or refute if your professor suggests a deadline a day or two before your suggested deadline. Work on your paper for a few more hours each day if required to meet the deadline.

Recognize the favor

Your instructors have to deal with huge work pressure and may have numerous deadlines for different courses in which multiple students are enrolled. Express your appreciation for their time and help.

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Sample Emails to Ask For an Extension on Assignment Submission

Following are the 3 samples that you can adhere to while placing a request for an extension on the assignment submission.

Sample 1:

Subject: Letter for an extension on an assignment submission date

Dear [Name of the Professor],

I, [your name], a student of [academic year/semester, subject with subject code], have been unable to attend classes for the past five weeks due to the injuries I went through during an automobile accident.

Upon recent release from the hospital, I am advised to walk with crutches for the next month. On account of this inconvenience, it will be very challenging to do the required research for the midterm assignment that is due on [date of the assignment submission]. I would like to ask for an extension of 15 days to finish the paper and submit my paper on [date of submission]. It would be very helpful if you could permit me to present my paper on the mentioned date.

Thanking you.


[Name of the sender]

[Student id]

Sample 2

Subject: Request for Extension on Assignment

Dear [Professor’s Name],

This is to ask for an extension on the [Assignment Name] that is presently due on [Due Date]. I have been going through some personal challenges that have made it impossible for me to complete the assignment on time. It would be considerate of you to please extend the due date of the assignment submission.

An extension of [number of days] will be very helpful. I assure you that I will complete the paper to the best of my abilities and submit it on the rescheduled date.

Thank you for recognizing my issue.

I look forward to your approval.


[Your Name]

[Student id]

[Subject and name of the department]

Sample 3

Sub: Letter for Extension of Time for Assignment

Respected Teacher,

With due respect, I am sending this letter to appeal for a time extension to present my assignment, which is due on (date of submission). The date of my brother’s wedding coincides with the due date of the assignment submission. Moreover, I will not be in my hometown for 7 days, including the date of submission of the paper. Hence, I will be unable to complete my writing in due time. I am aware that there is no excuse for the delay in the submission of the project, but I request that you please extend the time limit. It will help me thoroughly go through the topic and make a good project.

I am anticipating a positive response.

Best Regards,

[Your name]

[Student I.D.]

[Subject and Department Name]

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Learn How Not to Ask for an Assignment Extension

There are a few things that you must never do when you ask for an extension. It includes:

Don’t fabricate a reason for being unable to meet a deadline

Requesting extensions influences the institution’s management authorities or your professor when you are crushing under a deadline. However, if your means are dishonest or you don’t have a clear reason in support of the late submission of your assignment, do not make it up. If your misrepresentation gets caught red-handed, you may have to face severe negative consequences. Your institution may even suspend you. Therefore, honesty is the best policy.

Don’t minimize a potentially missed deadline

Submission of academic papers a few hours or days after an established deadline may not appear like a major concern, but requesting this type of opinion or belief is harmful.

Trivializing an instructor’s deadlines is impolite and could lead to a “no” when you request an extension. Instructors develop courses with your academic requirements in mind. So, consider asking for a more accommodating deadline with respect.

Don’t ask for an unrealistic “new” deadline

Resist the desire to propose a deadline that seems optimistic but may be impractical. The last thing you want is missing two consecutive targets. Examine the magnitude of your situation and consider the time you may need to finish the assignment. Suggest an achievable and realistic deadline.

What to do after a Professor Responds?

If your professors sanction your request, honor it. Express your gratitude towards them and complete the project to the best of your ability within the rearranged deadline. Keep in mind that extension approvals are acts of kindness, not obligations.

However, if your instructor responds negatively, review the latest policy of your academic institution. In case a small fraction of grades is deducted, try to submit the project a day or two after the original deadline. But in the event of prohibition of late submission, complete the task to the best of your ability and submit what you can manage to write in the given time frame. Submitting something is better than submitting nothing.

Points to Remember When Applying For Assignment Extension

Following are the things that you must keep in mind before you ask for how to ask for an extension on an assignment:

  • First, meet your professor: An in-person meeting often leaves a deeper impact than a mere letter. Therefore, before you hit ‘send’ on your composed email, if possible, meet your professor in person.
  • Don’t propose at the last moment: Unless an unfavorable incident takes place, like an accident, avoid proposing the late submission of your paper at the last moment.
  • Don’t forget to describe the situation: Indeed, you must make your letter for an extension on assignment submission short, but don’t forget to detail your situation. Your professor cannot recognize the gravity of the situation you are stuck in unless you explain it in detail.

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Many things are not in our control. It is better to put our best efforts into them and then leave them in the hands of destiny. The same rule applies when you ask for an extension how to ask for an extension on an assignment deadline. Make an honest appeal and state your reasons clearly in the way discussed above. If you get the approval, rejoice and put in your best efforts to make use of the additional time granted. However, do not regret it in the event of disapproval. It may be your chance to prove to yourself that you can excel at tasks even in a short time

Jacob Smith Assignment Writing Reading Time: 11 minutes

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