
Learn How to Use Spatial Order in Academic Writing

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When it comes to academic writing, it is necessary to organize ideas in a well-structured manner. This is because the proper organization of ideas will make it easy for the readers to understand the point of discussion in an appropriate manner. In general, there are various ways to organize ideas in academic writing; one such popular form is spatial order. If you want to know more about spatial order organization and its role in academic writing, continue reading this blog post.

What is a Spatial Order Organization?

Spatial order organization refers to the presentation of information in a logical order. In simple terms, it is a method of organization that writers use to describe their stories in the form of logical progression to catch the attention of their readers. Also, this method helps the readers to visualize the description in a logical order. Most importantly, the starting point of the description should be logical. This is because, if the ideas are presented in a logical manner, then it would be easy for readers to understand the purpose of the content and why it is relevant to them.

What is a Spatial Order Essay?

An essay that is well-crafted with spatial order signal words is defined as a Spatial Order Essay. The signal words are nothing but transition words and it mainly focuses on the order of their location where all the details are presented in a logical sequence. Say, for example, it should be like ‘first, then next, and finally’. Moreover, the spatial order essay signal words are somewhat similar to that of chronological order signals.

Meaning of Spatial Order in Writing

Spatial order is a method of arranging written text in a sequential manner to make sense to the readers while reading descriptive essays. This method of organization or arrangement can also be called ‘chronological’ or ‘time’. In a nutshell, spatial order definition includes arranging things into their logical and physical space to improve reading comprehension.

A chronological narrative is an interesting kind of narration in which all the events will be arranged according to their timeline. While you are writing a spatial order essay by following a logical organization, it is necessary to give equal weight to all the elements of your spatial essay. For long text, you should determine a perfect layout. Also, you should organize it with a story in a particular order. In specific, you should be more cautious about the concluding point.

Spatial Order

Spatial Order as a Theory of Logical Organization

Spatial order is a form of creative writing. When it comes to writing an essay or other kinds of academic writing, many things matter to provide an everlasting impression on the readers. There are several aspects of writing such as good story content, relevant evidence, the right word choice, correct grammar, and many more. The most important thing to think about while writing anything is a clear and logical organization of thoughts. While writing an essay or term paper, different patterns of logical organization can be used.

Patterns of an organization’s spatial logic

Listed below are various patterns of organization of logic that can be used in the writing of academic essays and assignments.

  • Spatial order
  • Chronological order
  • Compare-contrast pattern
  • Problem-solution pattern
  • Order of importance
  • Cause & effect method
  • Topical method
  • Advantage & disadvantage pattern

There are no hard and fast rules on how the patterns must be used in an effective telling of ideas. All you need to do is think correctly of the sensible patterns and this will help the readers in getting a better understanding of the data. Other than that, the principle of the paper organizations has different variations, and they are often of different methods when together.

Different Ways to Arrange Using the Spatial Order

From here, learn the different ways to use the spatial order organizational arrangement.

  • In terms of fiction- the spatial order is used for describing any object or thing and its location physically.
  • In non-fiction terms – it is used for describing social or physical phenomena.
  • It is used by technical writers- in the explanation of the working of a mechanism and fitting together the parts of a machine together.
  • By the food critics- it is used in the pattern while they are reviewing any latest new restaurant to describe the dining area.
  • By the architects- for utilizing this order in describing designs of buildings.

Points to Remember When Using Spatial Order in Writing

The spatial pattern works best when the writers are willful in creating mental pictures of something that has parts different from the physical location. You may begin with the description of a scene, a thing, an object, or a location as a whole area and then focus on the important details in the setting. Such an organization is said to be the best when describing any setting and scene, but the writers can use it to give directions or instructions.

If you are looking forward to applying this method of an organization in your description, you need to consider some of the decisions.

The three decisions are as follows:

  1. First and foremost, understand the scene and setting that you are willing to first describe. You need to take the point of view of your readers and list out what details are the most relevant for them.
  2. Next, you should consider the aspects of the scene that you are willing to include in the description and talk about all the elements in an order of logic, for that, choose a starting point. When using this pattern in the essays for describing items, the writers can start from the top and gradually to the bottom or go from the left side to the right from inside to the outside or west to east.
  3. It is necessary to use the words of transition and phrases to show the logical relationships of the details.

Spatial Order

Learn How to Use Spatial Order in Academic Writing

‘Spatial order organization’ may sound fancy but do you know how to use it appropriately while writing your essays? Here are six essential tips that will help you in using them correctly to enhance your writing.

Choose an interesting topic

For writing a catchy paragraph, you need to choose a topic that rightly follows the spatial organization. An excellent method can be brainstorming to form a content structure.

Ask yourself questions before writing down your ideas and before making a decision:

  • What do you wish to write about?
  • Will it be relevant to the reader?
  • Will this topic grab the attention of your readers?

Structure a framework

Framing an outline must be the next important step to maintaining the flow of the content. Having a structured framework will make it look organized.

Attach references and samples

If you’re finding it challenging to write for your chosen essay topic, feel free to use references from the web that will help you with assisting in writing your spatial essay.

These types of essays are descriptive and one majorly describes an event, a location, an object, or a situation. Making use of sufficient examples and references in the body will help the readers understand your point of view.

Make sure that you choose a starting point and an endpoint to correctly arrange the details in your body paragraph.

Correctly construct the body of your paragraphs

Having the correct sentence structure in your body paragraph is important. In the essays written in spatial order, the writers have the freedom to choose any sequence or process. However, one should remember that the body of the paragraphs must provide divisions or steps of chronology.

To make it easier for the readers to understand the order of the essay, the transitional words in the body paragraphs are used to create a relationship between the current information and the concepts that need to be expanded. This will help you score better in essays.

Make use of transition and signal words

Below provided is a brief list of the signal words of spatial order that signify that a narrator is following the pattern of a spatial organization.

Some of these words are mostly the prepositions that are used at the start of a sentence to connect them with the expressions in the next sentence. These examples are given below:

  • Against
  • Opposite
  • Between
  • Above
  • On the left-hand
  • On the right-hand
  • Below
  • Beneath
  • Through
  • Attached to
  • Across
  • Beside
  • Next to
  • Nearby
  • At the top of
  • To the side of
  • Alongside
  • Behind
  • In front of

These words are used to build a clear picture so that the audience can read well.

Personalization is necessary

As you write the spatial order of your essay, make sure to personalize your paragraphs. This is because these types of essays are used in a particular order and are predictable, and it is because they include personal phrases, which makes your essay more relatable and enjoyable.

Your readers may become confused if there is no clear pattern of organizational logic. A correctly done pattern of organizational order will help your audience see the connections and will allow them to stay focused. Spatial organization in the writing of a descriptive essay will help your readers in visualizing what the writer wants to see from a scene with the help of their five senses that are, sight, taste, smell, touch, and sound. However, you need to always remember that the use of spatial writing in long texts should be ignored as they sound mundane and the readers will get bored of it. Think about other methods of organizing your ideas. It is better to make use of a chronological pattern sometimes for communicating a particular idea clearly and in an intelligible manner.

What is chronology order in writing?

The chronology describes the occurrence of events on the basis of time. In literature or writing, the authors explain their stories as a sequence of incidents. When you use this method, you need to arrange all events as they happened and put them on time or in a chronological pattern. By using this method, readers can understand what happens and when to show its cause and effect. The best example of chronological order is writing a diary.

A very obvious example of chronological order in writing is

6:30 am: Woke up

7:00 am: Showered & brushed teeth

7:30 am: Ate breakfast

8:00 am: Drove to work

9:00 am: Reached office

10:00 am: Had a cup of coffee with colleagues

1:00 pm: Had lunch with friends

6:00 pm: Left the office

7:00 pm: Reached home

8:30 pm: Had dinner

10:00 pm: Was on the bed for night’s sleep!

The above chronological pattern shows the daily activities of a typical person. When you have to describe the cause of any incident with its effects, you need to use this order of writing.

Some transitions of chronology order are:

  • Next
  • Later
  • The following Wednesday
  • Afterward
  • By noon
  • When she had finally digested the giant burrito
  • As soon as
  • In 1990

Different Types of Chronology

It is clear that chorology describes the occurrences of events based on a timeline. But, when it comes to writing an essay or other literary forms of writing, you have to use it carefully. For that, you have to understand the different ways and narrative styles to describe the types of chronology

Linear chronology

As the name suggests, this type of chronology explains the story as a sequence of incidents as they occurred in time. The timeline shows the best example of linear chronology.

Reverse Chronology

After reading the type of chronology, you will understand that incidents are described in reverse order. In this pattern of chronology, the story explains the events from the end to the beginning of what happened in time.

Nonlinear Narrative

In the nonlinear narrative, the author doesn’t follow a specific order. This type of chronology describes the story as a series of different incidents shared out of chronological order.


We hope you are now clear about how to use spatial order organization in academic writing. In case, you still have confusion regarding that, reach out to us quickly. We have numerous skilled academic writers to offer high-quality assignment writing help online for all forms of writing. Especially, with their assistance, you can very well compose well-structured academic papers deserving of an A+ grade. Also, from them, you can get quick and valid clarifications for all your doubts regarding spatial order organization.

Jacob Smith Assignment Writing Reading Time: 11 minutes

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