
220 Outstanding Religious Research Paper Topics

Home » 220 Outstanding Religious Research Paper Topics

Have your professors asked you to submit a research paper on religious topics? Do you need a good topic for your religion research paper? If yes, then this blog post is for you. Religion is one of the sensitive subjects that focuses on the beliefs and ideas of various world religions. Moreover, the subject also broadly deals with major areas such as religious history, faith, tradition, and the association of religion with technology, mental health, philosophy dissertation, and theology. As the subject is wide, choosing one perfect topic for your research paper might be challenging. Therefore, for your convenience, here we have shared some outstanding research paper topics and ideas. Continue reading to learn more about religious research paper preparation.

Know How to Write a Religious Research Paper

If you want to write an excellent religious research paper, then this is what you should do.

  • Firstly, choose a good religious research paper topic.
  • Secondly, conduct deep research on your topic and gather the necessary ideas to prove your thesis statement.
  • Thirdly, draft a research paper outline with the ideas gathered.
  • Fourthly, as per your university guidelines, craft a well-structured religious research paper with essential components such as an abstract, introduction, literary review, research methodology, discussion, results, and bibliography.
  • Finally, proofread your research paper and improve its quality.

Religious Research Paper Topic Selection Tips

Listed below are a few tips that would help you identify the right topic for your religious research paper.

  1. Always choose a topic from a research area that you have strong knowledge of.
  2. Pick a topic from your area of interest.
  3. Make sure the topic you have selected is interesting for you to research and write about.
  4. Give preference to a topic that has numerous sources of reference and a wide scope of discussion.
  5. Avoid choosing controversial subjects.
  6. Go with a topic that is comfortable for you to finish before the deadline.
  7. Finalize the topic only if it satisfies your university guidelines.

Read More – Outstanding Research Paper Topics for Students of All Spheres


Religious Research Paper Topics


List of Religious Research Paper Topics and Ideas

Here, we have presented a list of 220 impressive religious research topics and ideas on different themes. Explore them all and pick a topic that is comfortable for you to do research.

Hinduism Research Paper Topics

The rich ideals of Hinduism’s mythology, philosophy, and cultural traditions provide a wealth of material to study. Find here, some of the best religious research paper topics that address a wide range of Hindu traditions as well as current events, providing a place for thought-provoking conversation.

  1. The history of Hinduism.
  2. Evaluate the history of Hinduism to modern Indian social life.
  3. Ethical beliefs are involved in the Hindu faith.
  4. Hinduism Cultural and Religious Opinions
  5. Hinduism and its Scriptures
  6. Dharma in Hinduism
  7. How does reincarnation occur in Hinduism?
  8. How does Hinduism influence modern Indian life?
  9. The status of women in Hinduism
  10. The Funeral/Burial Rituals Of The Hinduism Tradition
  11. The major Gods of Hinduism
  12. Yoga And Hinduism
  13. How do rituals permit the practice of worship in Hinduism?
  14. The Significance of cow protection and vegetarianism in Hinduism
  15. Hinduism philosophy in the Upanishads.

Additional Religious Research Paper Topics on Hinduism

In this section, we have also shared a few more religious research questions related to Hinduism. If you are interested in studying Hinduism, then you may take into account any of the suggested Hinduism research topics.

  1. Importance of Bhagavad Gita in Hinduism
  2. Compare and contrast Veda and Upanishads
  3. Discuss the four Vedas and their significance in Hinduism
  4. Discuss the current issues in Hinduism
  5. Importance of sacred texts, idols, and religious scriptures in Hinduism
  6. What is Dharma in Hinduism
  7. Discuss the teachings of Hinduism
  8. Discuss the role played by women in Hinduism
  9. What is the meaning of Atman in Hinduism?
  10. Difference between Vedic Hinduism, Classical Hinduism, and Modern Hinduism
  11. What are the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism
  12. What are the principles of Buddhism?
  13. Significance of Mahatma Gandhi on Hinduism
  14. Concept of Death for Christianity and Hinduism
  15. How Do Buddhism and Hinduism Share a Belief That Life Suffering Is Caused by Desire?
  16. What Is Hinduism: a Religion or Way of Life?
  17. What Impact Has Hinduism Had on Modern India’s Society?
  18. Why Did Hinduism Need to Reform?
  19. What Is Not Allowed in Hinduism?
  20. The history of Christianity.

Christianity Research Paper Topics

You may write your religious research paper on topics related to Christianity and its ideals. For your convenience, below we have presented a list of biblical subjects that provide fresh perspectives on age-old controversies and encourage a greater comprehension of one of the most widely practiced religions in the world.

  1. The major roles played by men in Christianity.
  2. Differentiate the Gnostic faith from modern Christianity.
  3. The significance of Christmas to Christians.
  4. The Christian view of gay marriage.
  5. Both Islam and Christianity advise on suicide.
  6. The development of Christian music.
  7. The role of missionaries in propagating Christianity in Africa
  8. Is cloning acceptable in Christianity?
  9. The different Christian sects.
  10. The Catholic church and its role in the continuance of sexual violence
  11. The views of Christianity on interfaith marriage
  12. The life of Jesus Christ and the themes of theology
  13. The role of the Catholic church in shaping Christianity
  14. The state of Christianity in secular societies
  15. The belief of Christianity on death, dying, and rapture
  16. The Christian symbols and their meaning
  17. The impact of Christianity on American slaves
  18. The difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament
  19. Christianity in the Reformation Era
  20. Individualism and Christianity: Explain
  21. Discuss the major issues and controversies in Christianity
  22. Discuss the patterns of corruption in Cameroon-located Christian churches
  23. Discuss the concepts and values of Aryans Brahmanism
  24. Discuss the concepts and values of Classical Hinduism
  25. Analyze the four stages of life in Hinduism

A Few More Religious Research Paper Topics on Christianity

Find here, a few more religious research paper topic ideas on Christianity. In case, you are curious to explore about Christianity, then the list of research topics that we have shared here might be helpful for you.

  1. What are the four great controversies in early Christianity?
  2. Rituals and Myths in the Christian churches
  3. Christianity branches – well-known and forgotten.
  4. What do we know about Jesus as a historic person?
  5. Religion and violence: the impact of religion on revolutions and wars
  6. Christianity and social tolerance
  7. Examining the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ
  8. A Christian Worldview
  9. Moral Foundation Of Christianity
  10. The Christian method of praying
  11. The essence of Christianity
  12. The significance of the fellowship of early Christians with Jesus
  13. Sanatana Dharma is the heart Of Hinduism: Explain
  14. What are the five major beliefs of Christianity
  15. Discuss the religious biases of Christianity

Islam Research Paper Topics

Studying Islam exposes a complex web of historical, religious, and cultural challenges. The following list of potential religious research paper topics may serve as a starting point for you to perform a thorough analysis of Islam and its global influence.

  1. The history of Islam.
  2. The major impact of women in Islam.
  3. The traditions of the Islamic world.
  4. The significance of Ramadan month to Islam.
  5. Polygamous marriages in the Islamic world.
  6. The conflict of pluralism and secularism in modern Islam.
  7. The views of Islam on interfaith marriage
  8. The origin of Jihad in Islam and how it has evolved
  9. Who are the most important prophets in Islam?
  10. Why are women not allowed to take sermons in Islam?
  11. Mythology in Islam: what role does it play in shaping the religion?
  12. How the Quran can be used as a tool for religious tolerance and religious intolerance
  13. Islam and Western education: what are the issues that have become relevant in recent years?
  14. Compare and contrast the principles of Sanatana Dharma and Christianity
  15. Compare and contrast Confucianism and Daoism

Additional Religious Research Paper Topics on Islam

In this section, we have also provided a few more religious research questions on Islam and their principles. For writing your religious research paper, choose any suggested Islam-based topic that is interesting for you to study and write about.

  1. The religious and cultural reasons behind wearing a hijab.
  2. Does Islam approve of democracy?
  3. The study of social class and the Islamic religion
  4. What is radicalism in Islam?
  5. The distinctions between the Five Pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments?
  6. The political, social, and economic influence of modernity on Islam
  7. The notable wives of the prophet Muhammad and their role in Islam
  8. Rise of Islam in the Middle East
  9. Importance of Moon in Islam
  10. Discuss the principles, beliefs, and main practices of Islam
  11. What are the five pillars of Islam?
  12. Discuss the role of women in Islam
  13. Islam: prejudices and misunderstandings
  14. How would the world look without Islam?
  15. Christianity as a Concealable Stigmatized Identity: Explain

Simple Religion Research Topics

Some research topics related to religion could be too hard for you to handle. Therefore, instead of focusing on difficult ones, choose one of these easy religious research paper topic ideas for your theology assignment.

  1. The major difference between the Bible and the Quran.
  2. The impact of yoga on boosting health.
  3. The major similarities and differences found in monotheistic cultures.
  4. The implications of the technological error to religion.
  5. Evaluate the world religions broadly.
  6. Can faith be used to reduce the harshness of puberty?
  7. The causes of the faith crisis.
  8. The relation between the soul and religion.
  9. Evaluate polytheistic religion.
  10. The influence of the clergy on religion.

Amazing Religion Research Topics for Students

If you are a student pursuing a degree in theology or religious studies, then for your final assignments, you may select any of the below-listed amazing religion research topics and compose an outstanding academic paper on them after extensive study.

  1. The effects of the Greek religion.
  2. The relation between religion and the LGBT community.
  3. The implications of trickster gods.
  4. Why children are considered innocent souls in religion?
  5. Evaluate the reincarnation concept in modern religion.
  6. The influence of religion in theocratic states.
  7. The impact of gender on religion.
  8. The influence of religious laws on morality.
  9. The major triggers of peace and harmony.
  10. The differences in funeral rituals in different religions.

Top Religious Research Paper Topics

Choosing a great research topic that is relevant to your field of interest is the first step toward writing a religious research paper. Here are a few top study ideas about religion that could help you improve your grades on your academic paper.

  1. What makes different religions different from each other?
  2. Do all religious alignments lead to the same destination?
  3. How does religion influence societal virtues?
  4. How does religion play a role in politics?
  5. Evaluate how atheism is the new world religion.
  6. How can religion be used to combat terrorism?
  7. How does the Bible boost religion?
  8. The justification of military action through religious ethics.
  9. Make a comparison between shamanism and modern religions.
  10. The manifestation of totems in the modern world.
  11. The significance of baptism to people and infants.
  12. The influence of religion on economics.
  13. Which are the major religious cultures?
  14. How do wars present politics as a cover when religion is at the core?
  15. Evaluate Zoroastrianism in the modern world.

You might also investigate and write a research paper on any of the commonly chosen religious topics. However, when writing your academic paper on popular religious topics, rather than focusing on the same aspects, be sure to analyze the topic from a different angle and provide new views on it.

  1. Examine historical records to learn more about Jesus’ life
  2. Explain King Herod’s part in the Jewish persecution
  3. Describe the importance of sacrifice in religious practices.
  4. Write about Siddhartha’s teaching methods.
  5. Analyze the reasons for Martin Luther’s defection from the Catholic Church.
  6. Explain why international governments blame Islam for the Middle East’s violence
  7. Examine how religious narratives and cultural histories are related
  8. What do people imagine God to be like?
  9. Examine and debate the formation of Western perceptions of Islam
  10. Discuss the relationship between religion and sociology

Informative Religious Research Paper Topics

The religious research paper that you prepare must strengthen the subject knowledge of your readers. Hence, it is important to select a topic with educational value. These are a few topics on religion that will help you to come up with an informative research paper.

  1. Is it possible to know God’s will in our lives?
  2. Evaluate the concept of the soul in different religions.
  3. How do different religions cannibalize past religions?
  4. How can religion be used to guide teenagers?
  5. Provide an elaborative overview of the Buddhist religion.
  6. Evaluate Mormonism and whether it is the true American religion.
  7. Do you think freezing embryos are religiously right?
  8. Do you think debt is Biblically allowed?
  9. The implication of artificial insemination.
  10. The various thoughts on contraception.

Unique Religious Research Ideas

Rather than focusing on popular study topics, choose a religious research topic that has received less attention. Conducting considerable study on a specific issue will allow you to cover knowledge gaps and keep your audience informed. The following are some unique religious research titles that you might use to write an amazing academic paper.

  1. Is ethical egoism a logical moral code?
  2. The significance of tithing in the different religions.
  3. The relation between Nordic mythology and religion.
  4. The impact of mass media on religion.
  5. The relation between religion and law.
  6. Evaluate counseling Biblically.
  7. Can the taking of one’s innocent life be justified ethically and religiously?
  8. What were the major causes of the Protestant Reformation?
  9. The various moral ways are considered as living a spiritual life.

Captivating Religious Research Topics

The religion research paper you write should attract your intended readers and persuade them to read the complete document. So, to accomplish this, choose any of these captivating religious topics and write an insightful research paper on them.

  1. Compare how different religions convert people into their followers.
  2. The connection between religion and anthropology.
  3. The endorsement of slavery by religions.
  4. Various methods are used to build peace in religion.
  5. The basic concepts of religious books.
  6. Is polytheism a valid religious choice?
  7. The different obligations of religious groups in Arabic countries.
  8. The features of a person who can become a saint.
  9. The importance of the church in building national well-being.
  10. Evaluate the orthodox sacrament of marriage.

Interesting Religious Research Topics

Working on your passionate subject will help you to joyfully proceed with your research process. So, whenever you are asked to compose a research paper about religion, try to choose a topic that interests you. These are some exciting religious study questions that you may investigate and write about.

  1. The major changes were made through religious practices.
  2. The major problems faced by pagans
  3. Satanism is a valid religion. Discuss.
  4. The major differences between atheism and agnosticism.
  5. The role of religion in society.
  6. The debate between religious groups and scientists.
  7. The most ancient religions in the world.
  8. The relation between the Big Bang theory and religion.
  9. The religious view of abortion.
  10. The rules of behavior in the Orthodox Church.
  11. The holy place of the world according to the Bible.

Research Paper Topics on Religion and Society

Religion provides a framework for comprehending the universe along with moral precepts and spiritual direction that influence how individuals and societies lead their lives. In your religious research paper, you may explore and write about any of these topics that highlight the link between religion and society.

  1. How religion promotes society and how it can destroy it
  2. The influence of religion on the understanding of morality
  3. Social stratification and its role in shaping religious groups in America
  4. The features of religion in sociology
  5. Governance and religion: how religion is also a tool of control
  6. What are the views of Karl Marx on religion?
  7. The role of discipline in maintaining strict religious edicts
  8. The knowledge of religion from the eyes of a sociologist
  9. The impact of traditional beliefs in today’s secular societies
  10. The concept of childhood innocence in religion

Best Religious Research Paper Topics for University Students

If you are clueless about what religion research topic to choose for your university assignments, make use of the list published below. Particularly, to help university students with their study topic selection, in the list, we have included the best religious research paper ideas.

  1. Explore the relationship between spirituality and mental health.
  2. Discuss the relationship between religious beliefs and attitudes towards climate change.
  3. Explore the impact of religious education on children’s moral development.
  4. Investigate the influence of religion on ethical decision-making in business.
  5. Prepare an essay on religion and various social justice movements.
  6. Explore the relationship between religion and addiction recovery
  7. Discuss the relationship between religion and creativity
  8. Investigate the impact of religious beliefs on attitudes towards disability.
  9. Analyze the role of religion in promoting or inhibiting democracy.
  10. Explain the concept of divine sovereignty and human free will

Powerful Religious Research Topics

Your religious research paper’s success is mostly dependent on the topic you select. Hence, choose a strong religious research paper topic and start working on it based on your university’s guidelines. The following are some powerful research ideas about religion that you might use to get started.

  1. The concept of patriarchy in religion
  2. The betrayal of Jesus is merely to fulfill a prophecy.
  3. What does religious tolerance mean?
  4. All religious paths lead to the same mountaintop. Discuss.
  5. Confucianism
  6. Religious Experiences in New Religious Movements
  7. How do different religions deal with the “end of the world”?
  8. How does Pure Land Buddhism purport to reform the Buddhist religion?
  9. Politicians should not interfere in religious conflicts. Discuss.
  10. Religious counseling versus classical psychology

Final Words

An exceptional religious research paper requires an excellent topic. If you are having problems finding an appropriate topic, feel free to choose any religious research topic from the list above. After selecting an ideal topic, perform extensive research and write a well-structured religious research paper. Your research report should describe a compelling thesis statement and back it up with credible proof. Furthermore, to receive high marks, your religion research paper should be devoid of plagiarism, cited properly, and error-free. If you are having difficulty preparing your religious research paper, contact our subject experts for assistance. From research paper topic selection to writing and proofreading, they will assist you in finishing your academic paper on any religion-related topic as per your university’s criteria.

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