
190 Best Persuasive Speech Topics and Ideas

Home » 190 Best Persuasive Speech Topics and Ideas

Have you been asked to give a persuasive speech? Well, to begin with, all you need is a good persuasive speech topic. Usually, your professors will provide some persuasive speech topics for you to pick from. However, they will occasionally allow you to choose your topic. In such a case, it may be tough for you to choose an appropriate speech topic to persuade your audience. Therefore, to help you handle such a situation, here, in this blog, we have shared some effective tips for persuasive speech topic selection and writing. In addition to that, we have also published a list of 190 fascinating persuasive speech topics on various themes.

Continue reading to get amazing ideas for your persuasive speech assignment.

What is a Persuasive Speech?

A persuasive speech is a popular type of speech that is presented to persuade the audience to embrace your point of view. The ultimate goal of this sort of speech is to educate, convince, and motivate the audience with persuasive information on any given topic.

Keep in mind that your persuasive speech material should strike a balance between logic and emotion to persuade your audience of your point of view. Moreover, to primarily persuade the audience, you must present pertinent statistics, facts, and data relating to your speech topic.


Persuasive Speech Topics

How to Choose a Good Persuasive Speech Topic

Despite the availability of numerous persuasive speech topics on the internet, it seems difficult to select the best. Let’s explore a range of conditions below, as this might help you choose the best topics for yourself.

  1. Perhaps, ensure to choose topics that appear interesting to you, as you might have to research extensively on them. Moreover, if you care about a topic, the whole journey might prove easy as well as enjoyable for you.
  2. Subsequently, consider selecting topics that might have some relevance for the audience. Hence, select persuasive speech topics that the audience might love to hear from you.
  3. Lastly, ensure not to overdo the topics, as you might not want to fool yourself in front of the audience.

Steps for Writing a Persuasive Speech

If you don’t know, how to make your persuasive speech effectively, have a look below. Here, we have presented a brief idea for you.

  • Firstly, ensure to strike a good balance between emotional appeals and logic, as you may want to convince the audience.
  • Secondly, try to understand the difference between the two components, if you deliver an exemplary speech.
  • Thirdly, consider including sufficient researched facts and figures in the speech to sound logical to your audience.
  • Finally, include emotional appeals to fill the gap between the statistics and the audience connectivity.

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List of Persuasive Speech Topics and Ideas

For your convenience, below we have presented a list of persuasive speech topics on various subjects like education, technology, health, business, and so on. If you run out of ideas, feel free to go through the complete list and choose a topic that is suitable for you.

Simple Persuasive Speech Topics

You may not always need a complex speech topic to persuade the listeners. A simple topic is enough to share your perspectives and convince your audience. Here is a list of simple speech topics that will allow you to easily present your viewpoints convincingly.

  1. What are your viewpoints on paid internships?
  2. Death penalty and its abolishment.
  3. Inappropriate content on the internet- Role of the government to abolish it.
  4. Suicide among teenagers. Is the media affecting it?
  5. Should the priests be allowed to get married?
  6. Explain the best type of renewable energy.
  7. Is Graffiti art a nuisance?
  8. Free entry to the museums- What is your viewpoint?
  9. Modern Arts- Does it lack authenticity?
  10. Art as a mandatory study area- What is your viewpoint?
  11. Having a pet makes the owner a better person.
  12. The future has already been decided.
  13. We need to understand and learn from our history.
  14. The death penalty is never acceptable.
  15. Life was better before the influence of online social media took over.
  16. Reality shows are scripted- Elaborate on your opinion.
  17. Impact of television shows on human behavior.
  18. Removing import duties- What is your viewpoint?
  19. How does the media influence political decisions?
  20. Computer-aided learning and its efficiency.

Interesting Topics for Persuasive Speech

For your persuasive speech assignment, always give significance to a topic you are interested in. You will feel extremely confident when you talk about your passionate subject. Listed below are some topics that might be interesting for you to deliver a great persuasive speech.

  1. Prisoners and their voting rights.
  2. Environmental pollution is a global issue.
  3. Natural resources and fossil fuels- Discuss their limited use.
  4. Men and pink color- Do they go along with each other?
  5. Fashion is an integral part of society.
  6. Positive vibe development and its relevance.
  7. Sustainable living as a motivating factor.
  8. Impact of technology in our life.
  9. Restricting screen time for adults.
  10. Internet chat rooms and their safety.
  11. Should art and music therapy be covered by health insurance?
  12. Should all students be required to learn an instrument in school?
  13. Should all national museums be free to citizens?
  14. Should graffiti be considered art?
  15. Should offensive language be removed from works of classic literature?
  16. Artificial Intelligence as the Future of Technology- Discuss your viewpoints.
  17. Is Google responsible for the death of libraries?
  18. Do you think airline tickets need to be cheaper?
  19. How social media did cause the end of face-to-face communication?
  20. Role of tourism in promoting the local economy.

Best Persuasive Speech Topics for Students

Do you need the best persuasive speech prompts for your school assignment or competition? If yes, then the list published below might be useful to you. In the list, we have included a few exclusive persuasive speech ideas for students on various themes.

  1. Antarctica should be closed to tourists.
  2. Personality disorders among teens. Are they easy to identify?
  3. Eco-friendly fashion is our future- What is your viewpoint?
  4. MCQs versus Essay tests- Express your opinion.
  5. Substance abuse causes social evil.
  6. Do you think celebrity-boosted fashion brands are the best?
  7. Clothes define a person.
  8. Carpooling and its environmental benefits.
  9. Are your extracurricular activities a waste of time?
  10. Academic as the only success criteria- What is your viewpoint?
  11. Global warming and the role of developed nations.
  12. Virtual reality and gamification as the future of education.
  13. Self-driving cars- Should it be legal?
  14. Net-Neutrality- Discuss its pros and cons.
  15. The impact of robotic technologies on human employment opportunities.

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You may give a persuasive speech on any of the popular topic ideas suggested here. But when you deliver a persuasive speech on a commonly chosen topic, you need to address the topic from a different perspective and share fresh insights with the listeners.

  1. Should schools teach swimming to the students?
  2. Athletes and regular drug tests.
  3. Libraries versus unlimited access to E-books?
  4. Tackle Football- Should parents allow their children to play the game?
  5. Human Cloning- Should it be made legal?
  6. Women as priests- What is your viewpoint?
  7. Voting as a mandatory requirement- Give your opinions.
  8. Cyber security and internet fraud awareness.
  9. The challenges of recycling and potential solutions
  10. The use of pesticides in agriculture degrades soil quality and fertility
  11. Women are more efficient to perform as chefs: Share your opinion
  12. Practical training and a degree are better than theoretical knowledge and a degree: What is your opinion?
  13. Immigration policies should be more stringent and lenient in controlling terrorism
  14. Traditional schooling is less effective compared to homeschooling for toddlers
  15. Visual imagery classroom strategies are the most effective options to teach preschoolers: Share your opinion

Unique Persuasive Speech Topics

If you want your persuasive speech to stand out in the crowd, then give your speech on any topic that is not frequently chosen. Here are some unique topics that may inspire you to give a persuasive speech.

  1. A mental health assessment system every month is required to be there in every primary school: What is your viewpoint?
  2. The use of cell phones should be banned in middle, and high schools: Give your opinion
  3. French language versus Spanish language: Which is more effective to crack a job in MNCs and why?
  4. Gun control laws in the United States can reduce the societal costs associated with gun violence
  5. Juvenile crimes should not be treated as adult crimes: Share your viewpoint
  6. Tourism should not be allowed at environmentally endangered sites.
  7. Is it ethical to keep non-native animals as pets?
  8. Military warfare and permission for drones.
  9. Public high school versus Private high schools- What do you prefer?
  10. Should guns be permitted in public places?
  11. Euthanasia and its permission in hospitals and other healthcare settings.
  12. The changes in political situations after the Taliban seized Afghanistan
  13. Should schools kick out kids who bully others?
  14. Should uniforms be mandatory in every school?
  15. Should male and female students attend classes in different buildings?

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Informative Persuasive Speech Ideas

Simply by listening to your persuasive speech, your audience should widen their subject knowledge. So, it is advisable to give a speech on a topic that contains educational value. The following are some persuasive speech prompts that might be informative to the listeners.

  1. Should pupils be permitted to play music in class?
  2. Should foreign language instruction be mandated for all elementary schools?
  3. Should there be breaks during the day for meditation or relaxation in schools?
  4. Should a student’s GPA be impacted by grades in gym class?
  5. When their pupils perform well on standardized tests, should teachers receive a bonus?
  6. Should undocumented immigrant children be permitted to attend public schools?
  7. Should grades have a financial value to students?
  8. The lyrics of a song left a long-lasting impact on the mind
  9. Romantic novels share our love relationships
  10. Home gardening is relaxing and fun
  11. House plants are the best air purifiers and indoor air pollution
  12. Home gardening is a promising approach to enhancing household well-being and food security
  13. Exploring new places improves mental health and wellbeing
  14. Keeping a fish aquarium in the home is surprisingly beneficial for the health
  15. Reading detective novels sharpens the mind and helps you exercise your brain

Top Persuasive Speech Topics

In this section, we have shared a list of top-rated persuasive speech titles on different subjects. Explore the complete list and pick any topic that is convenient for you to analyze and talk about.

  1. Mystery books are overpowering compared to fiction-based stories
  2. Paranormal activity-based movies make people believe the existence of supernatural power
  3. Terrariums increase the aesthetics of the environment
  4. A patch of greenery inside the home is soothing
  5. Social media helps in criminal investigations
  6. Violent images and cartoons negatively impact children and adolescents
  7. Thriller books and movies sharpen the mind
  8. Sculptures are the best way to visualize the ancient world of art
  9. Reading storybooks makes people smarter and more thoughtful
  10. Books control mind: Share your opinion
  11. Ban on single-use plastics can reduce the negative impact of plastic on earth
  12. It is important to increase the presence of plastic-eating bacteria in the environment to curb pollution
  13. Real-life story-based novels impact the human mind and life the most: Give your opinion
  14. A laptop is better than a desktop: Share your opinion
  15. Uniforms act as signs of discipline

Rather than choosing a popular topic, give preference to any of the latest persuasive speech topics that are recommended here. For instance, in your persuasive speech, you may speak about a trending societal issue or a real-time problem.

  1. Which is less effective Open-book tests or closed-book tests?
  2. Texting and driving are dangerous
  3. It is important to install CCTV cameras in every public place and road: Give your opinion
  4. The containers used in fast food packaging hurt the environment
  5. Keeping birds in a cage is a sign of cruelty and distortion of freedom
  6. Bitcoin and other digital currencies are the future
  7. Private education institutions are better than government-owned education institutions
  8. Excess money in hand exploits the young generation: What is your opinion?
  9. Every government should bring some strict rules and protocols to protect endangered species
  10. Workers of manufacturing companies in every country should be provided a weekend of three days
  11. Every developing country should ban alcohol consumption: Share your thoughts
  12. Is it necessary to ban animal cloning? Give your opinion
  13. Which is better- Group study or self-study during exam days?
  14. The positive possible effect of spending a year as an exchange student
  15. Reasons why women’s sports don’t get that much attention

Impactful Persuasive Speech Prompts

The persuasive speech that you deliver should create a positive change in the minds of your listeners. So, you may give a convincing speech on any of these below-listed impactful ideas on various subjects.

  1. Is foreign language instruction mandatory for all primary schools?
  2. Should there be pauses during the day for meditation or relaxation in schools?
  3. Will physical education classes affect the grades and GPAs of students?
  4. When their pupils perform well on standardized tests, should instructors receive a bonus?
  5. Should immigrant parents without papers be able to enroll their children in public schools?
  6. Should grades have a financial value to students?
  7. Is it important to allow students to take their cell phones to school with them?
  8. Cancer is the most important disease that doctors should research now
  9. Starting a successful business with no money.
  10. Human beings should depend more on renewable energy
  11. Should partially disabled older workers be expected to work for extra time for their organization during high-demand seasons?
  12. Is it a good act from the government to not change any tax on the income a director earns from producing and releasing movies on national interests?
  13. The value of unorthodox business ideas
  14. How to improve students’ presentation skills
  15. Is an incentive for doing right and good for society as a whole better than punishment for doing wrong?
  16. Just because someone knows you doesn’t mean you owe them any discounts
  17. Do you think it would be fair for the government to detain suspected terrorists without proper trial?
  18. Children should get incentives for doing right, rather than punishment for wrongdoing.
  19. Would it be good to introduce a set of skills tests for students, before they graduate high school?
  20. The gaming industry is affecting every aspect of our lives.

Engaging Persuasive Speech Topics

It might be boring for your listeners if you give a speech on less engaging ideas. So, know your target audience and then give a persuasive speech on a topic relevant to them. These are some persuasive speech ideas that might captivate your listeners.

  1. Conceptual clarity beats rote learning
  2. Reality shows are scripted
  3. Political unrest decelerates economic growth
  4. Substance abuse is a cause of social evils
  5. Using plastic is self-defeating
  6. Eco-fashion is the future
  7. Traveling in a guided group is monotonous
  8. Internet chat rooms are not safe
  9. The importance of digital literacy and online safety education
  10. The government should regulate internet usage

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Excellent Persuasive Speech Ideas

In this section, we have shared some excellent persuasive speech prompts on a wide range of subjects. To give a convincing speech, without any hesitation, select any topic that is impressive and exciting for you to deal with.

  1. When their pupils perform well on standardized tests, should instructors receive a bonus?
  2. Should immigrant parents without papers be able to enroll their children in public schools?
  3. How to overcome fear when speaking in public?
  4. Should high school students have the option of leaving during lunch?
  5. Virtual reality affects people’s perception
  6. The prison system doesn’t create better humans
  7. Should it be against the law to conceal or lie about your HIV status to someone you’re sleeping with?
  8. Should taxes on soda and other sugary drinks be necessary to fund public health initiatives?
  9. Is biohacking good for your health?
  10. Is it appropriate to let parents decide the sex of their unborn children?
  11. Is marriage not necessary in the 21st century’s modern society?
  12. Why are education costs growing progressively?
  13. Is there any relationship between the global economy and the global financial system and market?
  14. Should it be legal to allow parents from every social class to have the opportunity to choose the gender of their unborn children?
  15. Should offshore drilling and exploration of oil and natural gas be necessary to protect marine areas?
  16. Should there be stricter laws for protecting endangered species?
  17. Do you think the death penalty is the best punishment for dangerous criminals?
  18. Should you base your perspective of people on stereotypes you have heard?
  19. Everyone should donate blood at least once a year
  20. Should the public first learn how to drive a manual transmission before obtaining their license?

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Outstanding Persuasive Speech Titles

Are you seeking a good persuasive speech topic? If so, then make use of the list presented here. In the list, we have included some outstanding speech topics on which you may come up with convincing arguments.

  1. Should AI systems always be able to explain their decisions?
  2. How can education reduce social inequality?
  3. Has the quality of music gotten worse over time?
  4. Is cancel culture a bad thing?
  5. How should AI and robotic systems be used in warfare?
  6. What is the best way to encourage people to exercise more?
  7. How important is racial representation in sports?
  8. Will cryptocurrency lead to stronger financial systems?
  9. How should we control the influence of money in politics?
  10. Are mandatory retirement ages discriminatory?

The Bottom Line

From the different persuasive speech topics suggested above, feel free to choose any topic that is interesting for you to talk about. Whenever you give a persuasive speech, present your arguments convincingly to your readers with supporting examples, statistics, or evidence. Also, the persuasive speech you give should be informative and motivate your readers to accept your viewpoints. Especially, to convince your listeners, in your speech content, implement any persuasive techniques. If you are struggling to compose persuasive speech content, get in touch with us. Our team contains several experienced speechwriters with strong knowledge of all types of speeches. According to your speech guidelines, they will assist you in developing speech content that is persuasive to the listeners.

Jacob Smith Speech Topics Reading Time: 16 minutes

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