
Who Invented Homework and Why?

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Who Invented Homework?

Answer:- The practice of giving homework was started during ancient Greek and Roman times. As per internet records, Roberto Nevelis of Venice, Italy is considered to be the inventor of homework. As there is no credible information available, Nevil seems to be an internet myth more than historical patronage.

The word that students hate the most is ‘Homework’. In academic life, homework is a part of the daily routine. However, it is evident that only very few students do my homework with a lot of enthusiasm, and the remaining set of students who have hatred towards homework get exhausted and feel stressed whenever they are asked to complete an assignment. We can’t blame students for the hate they have for homework.

In general, teachers regularly assign tasks for the well-being of the students, but the students are completely against it for various reasons. In the education world, “Should homework be banned?” is one of the popular debate topics discussed among students, teachers, and parents. Everyone has different perspectives regarding homework. Instead of discussing whether homework is helpful or harmful, in this article, we will rewind and get to know about the history of homework and why it came into existence.

Origin of the Homework

Whenever the students find it difficult to complete their assignment, the one question that arises in their minds out of hatred is “Who invented homework?” We may not be exactly aware of the original names of those who created homework, but it is expected that the practice of giving homework would have been born at the time of the ancient Greek and Roman empires. As per the online resources, it is stated that Roberto Nevelis of Venice, Italy had created homework. Since there is no credible information available about Nevelis, he seems to be an internet myth more than historical patronage.

Another influencer who played an important role in the invention of homework is Horace Mann, an American educational reformer who is well-known for his dedication to promoting public education. Horace was initially impressed with the mandatory assignments given to the people attending the Volksschulen as a part of the public education system of Germany, and then he later implemented that idea in the US in the 19th century.

Why was Homework Invented?

Till now, we have seen who created homework and how homework has developed gradually in the late centuries. Next, let us have a look at why homework was invented. In the initial days, homework was not created to burden the students. It was mainly invented to satisfy the following objectives.


Who Invented Homework

To improve learning

Usually, when the students leave their school for the day, they will quickly forget what their teachers have taught in their school and then attend their classes the very next day with a clear head. So, in order to reinforce learning, homework was invented. If the students learn what is taught in their class daily, then it will be easy for them to recall the content in the next class.

To manage time

It is really tough for the teachers to complete their schedules within a time frame. Some topics generally take more time to complete, and in such cases, the inability to give extra time may lead to partial learning. Another main objective of homework was to encourage the students to refresh their lessons and achieve conceptual clarity when there was no time to bind them.

To practice the lessons

In order to get better scores or grades, one must have proper knowledge about the subjects. The homework encourages the students to practice the lessons and improve their learning. Also, it enables them to apply their learning in real life. For better learning and understanding of the students, the practical applications of a theory should be given as homework.

History of Homework in the American Public School System

From the 19th century till now, some people support doing assignments while some people oppose giving homework to students. In the United States of America, the majority of people are less favorable in accepting homework as a valuable educational practice, and hence the ban was incurred multiple times.

Here is a brief history of homework in the American Public School System

The 1900s: Rise of Anti-Homework Sentiment and Homework Ban

1930: American Child Health Association declared homework as Child Labor

The 1950s: At the time of the Cold War, in order to compete with Russia, the US authorities gave rigorous homework to the American students

Late 19th century & early 20th Century: Progressive Era of Homework

Early 21st Century: Return of Homework Ban

Even today, homework is controversial in America, but still, some schools assign homework to students. Regarding the homework ban, teachers have different perspectives, and the parents find it difficult to cope with their home routine because of the disturbances caused by their children.



Who Invented Homework

Why Did the Invention of Homework Go Wrong?

Truly, the homework was invented with good intentions, but there were some flaws in the implementation. Actually, it was created to establish a connection to the next-day class and to help the students practice the subjects, but the teachers assign homework on irrelevant topics. So, the students find it difficult to complete the assignments that were given on topics that were not taught in class.

Also, another major reason is that the teachers burden the students with more work that they can’t handle. In such situations, the students find it difficult to complete the tasks on time and are forced to feel mental pressure which thus results in stress and anxiety.

Why do Teachers Support Homework?

The teachers and educators generally give homework only for the academic growth of the students. Apart from that, the majority of teachers support homework because of the following reasons.

  • Improve learning
  • Conceptual clarity
  • Practice
  • Get a deeper understanding of the concepts
  • Doubt generation
  • Constant revision
  • Self-motivated learning

Major Reasons Why Students Criticize Homework

Giving an assignment is an easy task, but the real difficulty lies on the side of the students. It is common for students to expect to play during their free time. But when they are asked to complete an assignment, they find it a burden. Here are some other reasons why students criticize homework.

  • No Interest and Poor subject knowledge
  • Lack of motivation
  • Considers homework a waste of time
  • Tough to find the correct answers
  • Consumes more time
  • Difficulty in getting good grades
  • Homework leads to stress and other health-related issues

Benefits of Homework

Keep the opinions of teachers, parents, and students aside and look at the benefits homework offers.

  • Tunes the learning process of the students
  • Encourages practice
  • Teaches the students how to manage their time
  • Builds in-depth knowledge about a subject


Homework has its own advantages and disadvantages. It doesn’t matter whether you love to do your homework or hate it. Whenever your teachers ask you to submit homework, make sure to complete it on time. Finishing the homework perfectly before the due date will help you to boost your academic scores.

In case, you experience any difficulties in doing your homework, reach out to us.

Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 6 minutes

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