
60 Excellent Special Occasion Speech Topics and Ideas

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Do you have to give a speech at an important event? Has your instructor asked you to write a speech on any special occasion speech topics? Public speaking is something that everyone will have to give at some point in life. Be it a graduation ceremony, retirement, or any other important event, depending upon the purpose of the occasion you will be required to deliver an exciting speech. When it comes to public speaking, high importance should be given to speech topics and speech writing.

This blog post will help you understand all the different types of special occasion speeches and the effective ways to write them. If you are looking for interesting special occasion speech topics and ideas, then continue reading this blog post.

What is a Special Occasion Speech?

A special occasion speech is a speech that emphasizes the significance of a particular occasion. The occasion can be a farewell, birthday party, award ceremony, wedding speech, graduation function, funeral, and so on.

A speech for a special occasion should typically be brief and exclusive to the occasion. Depending on the event’s context, even the speech can be enlightening or instructive.

A special occasion speech is commonly classified into different types. Typically, the speech’s purpose varies depending on the occasion. A toast is given at a wedding, and a eulogy is given at a funeral. You can also use pathos to appeal to the audience’s emotions when giving a speech for a special occasion.

Special Occasion Speech Topics

Also Read: 105 Entertaining Speech Topics To Engage the Audience


Different Types of Special Occasion Speeches

As said above, special occasion speeches are of different types. Many events are conducted in our life. But for each event, you should deliver a particular type of speech that falls under the category of either ceremonial or inspirational.

Speech is the only effective way to show your gratitude, condolence, and appreciation. So, based on the special occasion or an event you attend, deliver a suitable speech type.

Here is a list of some different types of special occasion speeches.

Special Occasion Speech Topics

Introductory Speech

It is a short speech the host of an event gives to introduce the upcoming speaker. It is usually given to familiarize the audience with the speaker who is going to present a speech. When introducing a speaker, you as a host can give a creative introduction to create excitement and expectation for the speaker amongst the audience.

Acceptance Speech

It is a speech that a person who receives an award, an honor or a prize delivers. When giving a speech of acceptance, you as a speaker should thank everyone. Mainly the acceptance speech should contain the following elements.

  1. A special thanks to the person who presented the award or prize.
  2. Thanks to all those who helped you to achieve your goal.
  3. Share your perspectives on the prize or the award you have received.

Dedication Speech

For dedicating something to someone, a dedication speech is given. The dedication speech is usually delivered at a shop opening function, inauguration ceremony, and so on. When giving a dedication speech, you should highlight the significance of a project and to whom it has been dedicated.

Presentation Speech

It is a speech that is given when presenting a prize, award, or honor. The presentation speech is given to recognize a person’s accomplishments. While you give your presentation speech, make sure to include the following things in your speech. Make sure to include the following things in your presentation topics in the exchange of speech-

  1. Mention the significance of the award to be given.
  2. Highlight the merits of the person who receives the award.
  3. Personalize your speech by specifying the credibility of the award and event.


It is a speech that is given in honor of a person who is dead. The eulogy is mainly given by priests or other religious leaders. It is delivered to pay tribute to the soul that has departed. When preparing a eulogy, add the following things to your mourning speech.

  1. Narrate the story of the deceased person.
  2. Highlight the life achievements of the person who has died.
  3. Mourn the death of the deceased person.

Farewell Speech

This speech allows you to say goodbye. It is commonly given at school and college farewell parties or when you move from one part of your life to another. In a farewell speech, you should appreciate and thank the people who were there with you in the current part of life and helped you to achieve your success. Besides, you can also remember the good memories you have created with them.

After Dinner Speech

It is a type of speech that is delivered after dinner is done. It usually focuses on a particular group. The main aim of the dinner speech is to entertain as well as inform the listeners about a specific issue. When presenting an after-dinner speech, you can effectively use humor elements to address a serious point.


A toast is a short tribute to a person or an event. It is generally prepared to congratulate and appreciate the people who are being toasted. As a speaker, through your toast speech, you can recognize the achievements of the person and share your best wishes. The toast speech is commonly delivered at wedding ceremonies.


It is a funny speech that is designed to mock and praise the person being roasted. Often roast is done at the end of a banquet to recognize a person’s achievements. This speech can be humorous but it shouldn’t hurt the emotions of the person who is being roasted.

Goodwill Speech

It is a kind of speech that is delivered to develop a goodwill bond with the audience. It can be informative and persuasive. Some common types of goodwill speech include justification speech, public relations speech, and speech of apology.

Commemorative Speech

It is a speech that is given at graduation ceremonies. The graduation ceremony is a function in which academic degrees will be awarded to the students who have completed their courses. The commemorative speech is usually given by a well-recognized person such as the president of the country, the governor, etc.

Till now, we have seen the different types of special occasion speeches. Next, let us have a look at how to prepare a special occasion speech.

Tips for Choosing a Special Occasion Speech Topic

Here are some tips for choosing an engaging special occasion speech topic. If you are clueless about what topic to select for your special occasion speech, follow the suggested tips.

  • Think about the occasion and then choose a topic that fits the theme of the event. It can be a wedding, award, or graduation ceremony.
  • Know about your audience and then select a topic that appeals to them and is pertinent to their interests.
  • Give preference to a speech topic that you are enthusiastic about and have personal experience with.
  • Pick a subject that can be sufficiently covered in the allocated amount of time.
  • Stay away from controversial speech topics and ideas that could offend or divide your audience.
  • If the event is celebrating or honoring someone, then choose a topic that highlights their accomplishments or traits.
  • Select a topic that lends itself to storytelling, which will make your speech more engaging and memorable.
  • Choose a topic that is appropriate for the tone of the occasion. It can be formal, informal, joyous, or reflective.
  • Take into account a special occasion speech topic that you are comfortable with and allows you to effectively convey your message.

Checklist for Special Occasion Speech

Would you have to give a special occasion speech? Then search to locate a suitable celebration topic. Whenever you have recognized an incredible subject, conceptualize and accumulate the central issues before you begin composing your speech content.

Here is a checklist you need to follow while you prepare your special occasion speech.

  1. What event are you addressing with your speech?
  2. Mention your part in that memorable event.
  3. Who do you want to reach?
  4. Determine the length of your speech.
  5. Is it better to keep the speech casual or formal?
  6. Be specific about the goal of your speech.
  7. When would be the best time for you to give your speech?
  8. What to ignore when attending a sensitive occasion?
  9. Which is better, speaking on behalf of the organization or yourself?
  10. Is it possible to share a personal or work-related story?

Preparing your speech will be easier if you know the answers to all of the aforementioned questions. You can write a speech outline and draft an engaging special occasion speech that covers all the important aspects of an event using the answers you found.

How to Prepare a Special Occasion Speech

For writing a speech, there is no specific style or format. But to make the speech appealing to the audience, it is necessary to organize the ideas and properly structure the speech outline. When it comes to special occasion speech writing, you must first identify for what occasion you are preparing the speech. Depending upon the context of the event, the speech content varies for each special occasion speech type.

After you are clear with your special occasion speech idea, you can start sketching your speech outline. Like other speech types, the special occasion speech outline also follows the standard speech structure that includes 3 major components- introduction, body, and conclusion. The structure is the same for all the types of special occasion speech types.


No matter what type of special occasion speech type you are delivering, always begin your speech with a catchy introduction. Your introduction should have the power to grab the attention of your target audience immediately.

While you prepare the introductory paragraph, make sure to add some interesting facts related to the event in the opening. Following that, include a thesis statement that highlights the purpose of your speech. At the end of the introduction section, preview your key points in that section and give a transition to the body section.


In this section, you can talk about your selected topic in detail. The points you share should be relevant to your thesis statement. Also, to develop the credibility of your thesis statement, while presenting the body section, you can mention some valid evidence supporting your major points.

The length of your body section can be longer or shorter, depending upon the time duration allotted for your speech.


This is where you should wrap up your speech. In the conclusion section, you should summarize all the major points and end the speech with a powerful message.

List of Special Occasion Speech Topics and Ideas

For event-oriented special occasion speeches, you need to choose the best topic. Only the topic you choose will make the speech memorable. So, when selecting the special occasion speech topic give utmost importance to the context of the event.

Here are some excellent special occasion speech topics and ideas for you to consider.

Interesting Special Occasion Speech Topics

For giving a special occasion speech, always choose a topic that is interesting to you. By speaking about an interesting topic, you may captivate your audience and host a meaningful discussion. These are some fascinating topics on which you may give special occasion speeches.

  1. Deliver a farewell speech for your exit party.
  2. Present the Best Employee of the Year award.
  3. Deliver a maid of honor toast at your best friend’s wedding.
  4. Prepare a eulogy for a famous person.
  5. Give an acceptance speech for winning an award.
  6. Present an introduction speech to the new president of your country.
  7. Give the best man speech to a wedding couple.
  8. Deliver an emotional speech at the college farewell party.
  9. Give a roast when your friend is leaving the organization.
  10. Deliver a commemorative speech to mark an essential milestone in graduates’ lives.
  11. Deliver a keynote address at a company’s annual convention.
  12. Prepare an after-dinner speech.
  13. Deliver a public relations speech at a gathering.
  14. Present an inspiring retirement speech.
  15. Give a tribute speech to your teacher.
  16. Present a speech to inspire and motivate people to win over difficult situations
  17. Deliver a speech to share a memorable day in the first year at college
  18. Present a eulogy for the greatest filmmaker of all time
  19. Present a eulogy for an admirable political leader
  20. Deliver a thanking speech addressing colleagues for winning the Employee of the Year award

Impressive Special Occasion Speech Topics

Delivering special occasion speeches on impressive topics creates a lasting impact, boosts credibility, demonstrates competence, and inspires audiences. Here are a few compelling topics you may consider for giving special occasion speeches.

  1. Present a thanking speech for the best man in life
  2. Deliver a eulogy for Nelson Mandela
  3. Present a eulogy for the greatest President of all time
  4. Deliver a eulogy for a favorite superhero character
  5. Give a speech to thank the family of the bride
  6. Present a thanking speech for the best friend
  7. Deliver an acceptance speech for receiving the Student of the Year award
  8. Give a toast to your husband’s birthday
  9. Give a New Year welcome speech at the New Year’s Eve
  10. Deliver a eulogy for a historical figure
  11. Deliver a speech on the success of your company at its foundation day function
  12. Deliver an acceptance speech for winning a scholarship
  13. Give a dedication speech at a hospital opening ceremony.
  14. Prepare an acceptance speech for receiving the bravery award.
  15. Pay your tribute to a military man.

Engaging Special Occasion Speech Topics

If you want to captivate your listeners, then you need to give special occasion speeches on any of the below-listed engaging topics. All these topics will also help you convey valuable messages, honor the significance of the occasion, and create memorable experiences.

  1. Present a commemorative speech.
  2. Give a goodwill speech.
  3. Give an award presentation speech.
  4. Deliver a eulogy for your best friend.
  5. Give a graduation speech.
  6. Give a dedication speech
  7. Present an introduction speech about your favorite filmmaker.
  8. Deliver a vote of thanks speech for your school’s annual day.
  9. Roast your favorite comedian.
  10. Give an acceptance speech for winning the Best Employee of the Year award.

Top Special Occasion Speech Topics for Students

Have your instructor asked you to deliver a special occasion speech to improve your public speaking skills? Are you seeking special occasion speech ideas for students? Make use of the list published below. In the list, for students, we have shared a few top special occasion speech prompts for public speaking.

  1. Honor a person, place, or achievement in a dedication ceremony.
  2. Give a legacy speech. Share life lessons and wisdom for future generations.
  3. Celebrate the benefits of inclusivity and diversity.
  4. Inspire audiences to take action on social justice issues at a charity event
  5. Honor cultural traditions and heritage at a cultural event or celebration.
  6. Present an inaugural address. Share the inspiring vision for a new leadership role.
  7. Deliver a welcome address to warmly welcome students, employees, or guests.
  8. Share a tribute to a mentor. Express gratitude for career guidance and academic support.
  9. Inspire graduates to chase their passions at a commencement ceremony.
  10. Motivate students at an orientation ceremony.
  11. Celebrate a team’s achievements at an awards ceremony.
  12. Share life experiences and wisdom at a birthday or anniversary celebration.
  13. Acknowledge achievements at a milestone event or celebration.
  14. Celebrate the power of friendships at a reunion or special gathering.
  15. Share words of encouragement and support at a going-away party or new beginnings celebration.

The Bottom Line

Hopefully, all the ideas suggested in the list above will be helpful for you in giving an engaging special occasion speech. So, from the list, feel free to choose an appropriate speech topic based on the theme and tone of your occasion. After you have selected a speech topic, relevant to the type of special occasion, analyze and prepare content that is engaging and impressive to your target audience. In case, you need help with writing a special occasion speech, get in touch with us. The several experienced and knowledgeable speech writers from our team will guide you in preparing a memorable special occasion speech.

Jacob Smith Speech Topics Reading Time: 14 minutes

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