
65 Best Nursing PICOT Question Examples

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Are you looking for the best nursing PICOT question examples? If yes, then take a look at this blog. We know how important a PICOT clinical question is for writing an evidence-based nursing paper. Therefore, to make your assignment writing process easier, in this blog, we have shared a list of interesting nursing PICOT question ideas.

Explore the entire list and choose any question that is comfortable for you to work on.

Before we move on to the list of questions, first, let us look at a short overview of PICOT and how to create a nursing PICOT question.

What does PICOT mean?

If you are a nursing student pursuing an advanced degree or working in a clinical setting, then for preparing evidence-based papers, you must know how to formulate a nursing PICOT question.

In general, PICOT is a framework that helps to create a feasible clinical question. PICOT means

  • P: Patient, population, or problem.
  • I: Intervention
  • C: Comparison
  • O: Outcome
  • T: Timeframe, type of question, type of study

Majorly, the components of PICOT questions are utilized in clinical decision-making after comparing the interventions or actions of healthcare professionals in patient care to identify which is most useful for a certain population.

Remember, the PICOT question should be succinct. Also, it should be convenient for the research scholars to focus on the most relevant evidence for use in nursing practice.

Know How to Create a Nursing PICOT Question

nursing picot question examples

As said earlier, to formulate a clinical question for an evidence-based nursing paper, you must follow the PICOT framework. Typically, the nursing PICOT question you frame should cover the five categories specified below.

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Patient, population, or problem

The clinical question that you create should focus on a particular nursing problem, population, or patient. Also, it should address the demographics and other features relevant to the nursing question.


The Intervention includes diagnostic tests, exposures, strategies, therapies, and any other nursing interventions that you desire to provide to a specific population.


Comparison deals with any control or alternative method used to compare the intervention.


Outcomes are the effects or changes that the population experiences as a result of the intervention.

Timeframe, type of question, type of study

It denotes the timeframe given for implementing the intervention, the type of study used, or the clinical domain in which the clinical question belongs. These clinical domains focus on intervention, diagnosis, prevention, prognosis, etiology, meaning of life, and therapy.

When framing the clinical question, make sure to include the above-listed elements. Remember, the question should be unique and researchable. Furthermore, the question should satisfy the research paper writing guidelines of your nursing school. Most importantly, the question should allow you to generate potential arguments and prove them with valid evidence.

List of Nursing PICOT Question Examples

In case, you have no idea what PICOT nursing research question to choose or if you are unsure how to create a clinical question, take a look at the list below. The nursing PICOT question examples shared below will be helpful to you.

Simple Nursing PICOT Questions

  1. Can pain diaries help cancer patients manage their discomfort?
  2. Is the lithotomy position good for laboring women?
  3. Can workout programs aid individuals with hypertension?
  4. Are non-smoking persons at risk for esophageal cancer?
  5. Can beta-blockers reduce blood pressure in men over 70 years old?
  6. How effective is antenatal care for pregnant women under 20 years?
  7. What is the typical cost of hyperbiliary treatment for newborns?
  8. Does the increased use of marijuana among Dutch students raise the risk of depression?
  9. Is cup feeding an infant better than feeding through tubes in a NICU setting?
  10. What are the typical outcomes for pediatric patients with MRSA?

Interesting Nursing PICOT Question Ideas

  1. What are the standard vital signs for a pediatric population?
  2. Is vitamin K prophylaxis useful in avoiding Vitamin K insufficiency induced by bleeding in neonates?
  3. Are alarm sensors beneficial in preventing hospital mishaps involving patients over the age of 65?
  4. Implement bedside shift reports to improve job satisfaction among ICU nurses.
  5. What are the best guidelines for starting and ending oxygen therapy?
  6. Does getting phone tweets affect blood sugar levels in Type 1 diabetics?
  7. Can yoga help reduce lymphedema in individuals recovering from neck cancer?
  8. Do breastfeeding toddlers in the urban United States have reduced chances of obesity as pre-schoolers?
  9. Is the use of new syringes helping to reduce needle injuries among healthcare professionals in America?
  10. Are ethanol locks useful for preventing catheter-related infections in infants?
  11. Is intravenous fluid intervention a better option for newborns with catastrophic conditions?
  12. Is a quick temperature change dangerous to neurologically wrecked patients?
  13. What are the responsibilities of a pre-surgery cardiac nurse in preventing depression among patients awaiting cardiac surgery?
  14. Is the increased usage of mosquito nets in Uganda contributing to the reduction of malaria among infants?
  15. What is the direct relationship between VAP and NGT?

Best Nursing PICOT Question Examples

  1. What is the significance of employing three banks of lights for newborns with hyperbilirubinemia?
  2. Does raising the head of a mechanically ventilated patient’s bed minimize their risk of pneumonia?
  3. Is it difficult to identify C difficile in children under the age of five?
  4. What is the rationale for keeping a child not marked by fever for an entire day before doing a VCUG?
  5. Does heroin injection therapy result in more bruising and other injuries in COPD patients than in those who do not receive the injection?
  6. Compare the chances of development of breast cancer between women who use oral contraception and those who use IUDs.
  7. Is flushing heroin through lines a more effective technique to treat people with CVLs/PICCs?
  8. Is music therapy a helpful technique of pain treatment in the PACU for patients who are slowly recovering from anesthesia?
  9. Can a nurse-led presentation on mental health issues related to bullying help combat such behaviors in public schools?
  10. What are the consequences of administering Prevacid before a pH probe investigation for young patients with GERD?
  11. Is it better to absorb sodium bicarbonate through tubes rather than eating it?
  12. Does the practice of hand washing among healthcare professionals reduce the occurrence of infections in hospitals?
  13. What are the fundamental AFB culture methods for diagnosing tuberculosis?
  14. Is it better to monitor NJT implantation by aspiration in infants?
  15. What are the consequences of vaccination for children compared to adults?

Amazing Nursing PICOT Question Ideas

  1. Evaluate the efficiency of yearly mammography in detecting breast cancer among women over the age of 50 when compared to mammograms every three years.
  2. Compare the risk of acute myocardial infarction among women aged 35 to 55 years who have high blood pressure to those who do not.
  3. What are the applications of insulin ports in heroin therapy for the pediatric population?
  4. Is a new fitness regimen useful in preventing fatal heart disorders in women with a family history of cardiac disease?
  5. Evaluate the effectiveness of school-based physical activities in lowering childhood obesity occurrences among upper-primary school students over six months when compared to no physical activity program.
  6. Compare the effectiveness of colonoscopy with stool occult blood tests against colonoscopy alone in diagnosing colon cancer in men under the age of 55.
  7. Monitoring blood glucose four times per day improves control among diabetics as compared to not monitoring.
  8. Compare the success of inline catheters in minimizing the risks of infection post-surgery among patients compared to conventional catheters.
  9. Is it more likely for first-time mothers to experience postpartum depression than second or third-time mothers with premature babies?
  10. Compare pregnant women’s physical activity and nutritional changes for weight loss during pregnancy and six weeks after childbirth.
  11. What is the value of an LP/spinal tap after the start of antivirals in a pediatric population suffering from fever?
  12. Is utilizing toys as distractions during needle immunizations for children an effective pain management strategy?
  13. How effective is antenatal care for pregnant women under the age of twenty?
  14. What is the effectiveness of the RASKIN protocol in dealing with migraine patients?
  15. Do group therapy help patients with schizophrenia improve their communication skills?

Excellent Nursing PICOT Question Examples

  1. Are cold packs more effective than hot packs in treating IV infiltrates?
  2. What happens when children with low blood pressure consume more potassium?
  3. Does limiting the quantity of sublingual sugar benefit fully conscious children suffering from hypoglycemia?
  4. Assess the effectiveness of three months of peer-supported interventions for female students in lowering school suicide rates when compared to no intervention.
  5. Evaluate the use of wound vacuums to treat ulcers in patients with low blood pressure.
  6. What are the effects of an IVF bolus on regulating Magnesium Sulfate levels in asthma patients?
  7. Is MDI more effective than traditional nebulizers in treating pediatric asthma patients?
  8. Is psychological intervention effective in increasing self-confidence among people suffering from chronic diseases?
  9. Are oral contraceptives helpful in preventing pregnancy in women over 30?
  10. What is the relative accuracy of oral thermometers versus tympanic thermometers in the pediatric population?

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Hopefully, the list of Nursing PICOT question examples shared above will give you an idea of how to create a clinical question for your nursing paper. In case, you are unsure how to frame a clinical question, approach us.

Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 8 minutes

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