
Learn How to Write an Outstanding 900 Word Essay

Home » Learn How to Write an Outstanding 900 Word Essay

Have your instructor asked you to write a 900-word essay? Are you unsure how to write an outstanding 900-word essay? If yes, then continue reading this blog post. It is not so easy to craft an essay within the word limit. Most importantly, you need to play smart to organize your thoughts in a well-structured manner and present your ideas within the defined word count. Since, a lot of people are unaware of how to write and format an essay within a specific word limit, in this blog we have specifically shared some effective ways and tips to write an excellent 900-word essay in a shorter span.

Follow the steps for writing a 900-word essay as suggested in this blog and come up with a brilliant essay deserving of top grades.

Learn How to Write an Outstanding 900-word Essay

Outstanding 900-Word Essay


Especially, for those who are struggling to compose a 900-word essay, below, we have shared some simple and effective steps. Follow them all to craft a better essay within 900 words.

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Identify the purpose of writing

Before you start writing your essay, determine the purpose of your writing. This is the only way through which you can identify what content you wish to write in your 900-word essay. Most importantly, knowing the purpose will make your research process easier. Additionally, to understand what your instructor expects from your essay, it is essential to read the essay instructions or guidelines shared with you. We recommend you keep your goal in mind so that in your essay, you can effectively convey your message or ideas to your readers.

Select an interesting topic

Once you are clear with your purpose, go ahead and choose an excellent topic for your essay. Usually, your instructors will suggest some interesting essay ideas for you to work on. But sometimes, they will allow you to choose the topic of your preference from certain themes. In such a scenario, pick an outstanding essay topic that you think is comfortable for you to write about within 900 words. Note that the essay topic that you choose should be original and it should align well with your essay writing guidelines. Moreover, the topic you select should be neither broad nor narrow and it should contain several credible sources to gather information.

Ideas are essential to craft a 900-word essay. So, before you sketch an outline, gather some important ideas regarding the essay topic. Especially, while gathering information, think of all the key points and messages that you want to deliver to your readers through your essay. For instance, to make your essay more informative, you can include certain facts, quotes, statistics, etc relevant to your essay topic. In this step, simply brainstorm and collect as much information as you can. For your understanding, write everything that you have gathered about your topic in the form of hints.

Organize the gathered thoughts

After you have gathered all the information related to your essay topic, organize them all and craft a well-structured outline for your 900-word essay. In your outline, you need not include all the points in detail, for your reference, it is enough to brief only the main points. Never begin writing your essay without an outline. A good essay outline will help you to logically frame your essay without omitting the key points. Remember, the 900-word essay outline that you create should include the following components.

  • Introduction: It should include background information on the essay topic and a strong thesis statement. The introduction length can be around 150 words.
  • Body: It should contain all the information and necessary evidence to support the thesis statement. The length of the body paragraphs can be around 600 words.
  • Conclusion: It should summarize all the points discussed in the essay. The conclusion length can be around 150 words.

Begin writing the essay

In the next step, with the help of the outline you have created, begin writing your essay. While you write your 900-word essay make sure to strictly adhere to the essay writing guidelines shared by your instructor. In your essay, never deviate from the main points. Include all the information relevant to your essay topic with valid supporting pieces of evidence. Note that, the essay that you compose should be plagiarism-free, error-free, and should be within the word limit.

Proofread and Edit

After you complete writing your essay, proofread your content multiple times. Especially, while you proofread, be certain to look for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, and correct them all, if there are any. Proofreading and Editing will help you to enhance the quality of your essay. Moreover, before essay submission, even you can get feedback from your friends or professionals and work on it accordingly. This will not only boost the quality of your essay content but will also help you achieve the grades you desire to score.

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Tips for Writing an Excellent 900-word Essay

Simply by following all the above-mentioned steps you can create an outstanding 900-word essay on time. In addition to that, while writing an essay, keep in mind the following tips as well.

  1. Always choose the right topic that allows you to present your content within 900 words.
  2. Read the essay prompt carefully and never miss a single detail present in it.
  3. Define the common parameters of your essay so that you can easily develop the content.
  4. Compose the essay using the right tone and style as it is mentioned in the essay writing guidelines.
  5. Craft the essay in a way that is understandable to your target readers.
  6. As a 900-word essay is not very long, make sure that all the sentences in your essay hold more weight to effectively express the intended point.
  7. Never include information that is irrelevant to your essay topic.
  8. Add all the key points necessary to develop the argument of your thesis statement.
  9. To make your essay look well-researched and authentic, cite down your references in a bibliography.
  10. Never submit your essay without proofreading and editing.

How to Write a Customized 900-word Essay Impressive to Your Professor

Getting a high score for an essay is challenging. Most importantly, to earn top grades, the essay that you write should be impressive to your professors. So, to make that possible, you need to put in some effort.

Wonder How to Write a 300-Word Essay that is impressive to your professors? Cool! Just keep in mind the following tips while crafting your customized essay.

  1. Strictly follow the essay writing guidelines shared by your professor.
  2. Research and present your arguments in the best possible way. You can also effectively rephrase some other’s arguments and highlight your point of view in a different manner.
  3. Write an error-free essay without plagiarism.
  4. Compose the 900-word essay in a well-structured manner by including the essential components such as the introduction, body, and conclusion.
  5. Submit the essay without missing the deadline.


Hopefully, by now, you will have gained a better understanding of how to write an outstanding 900-word essay. In case, you are still unsure how to compose a 900-word essay, contact us immediately.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Find here, the valid answers to some of the frequently asked questions regarding 900-word essay preparation.

1.  How long will it take to compose a 900-word essay?

Depending on your typing speed, it typically takes 18 to 36 minutes to type 900 words on a keyboard. However, if you have to write an academic essay, then you need to give extra time for research, text formatting, and creating necessary graphics. So, overall, to prepare a 900-word essay, you’ll need at least 3 to 3.5 hours.

2.  How many paragraphs is a 900-word essay?

On average, a 900-word essay will contain 6 to 9 paragraphs. The typical length of an essay paragraph is around 100 words. In every paragraph, you should include at least 4 sentences.

3.  How many pages is a 900-word essay that is written double-spaced?

Approximately, an essay of 900 words will be 3.6 pages double-spaced or 1.8 pages single-spaced when written using Arial Roman font style of size 12 pt with normal margins in an A4 paper.


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