
100 Hard Words to Spell in English

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English is a great language with both basic and complicated vocabulary. Certain words in the language even have various spellings but the same pronunciation. In addition, several words sound different than how they should be spelled. Similarly, there are many hard words to spell in English. In this blog, we have shared a list of some of the hardest words to spell in the English language, especially for those who are always caught making spelling mistakes.

In the era of autocorrect, many people have overlooked the importance of spelling and only struggle with it while writing an essay or academic paper. If you are participating in a Spelling Bee competition, you must have a thorough understanding of English words and how to spell them. Typically, in the competition, you will be asked to write hard-to-spell words. So, feel free to explore the list and expand your vocabulary.

Why is it Difficult to Spell Certain English Words?

Have you ever thought about why some English words are misspelled often and are even hard to spell? Generally, in English, there are some spelling rules. If you are unaware of it, then chances are there for you to get locked in spelling errors out of confusion. Find here, some common reasons why certain words are hard to spell.

  • Distinctions between British and American English
  • Long words containing a lot of vowels
  • Words that contain silent letters
  • Two consonants together
  • Homophones [words with similar sounds but distinct spellings and meanings]
  • Homographs [words that have the same spelling but a distinct origin, pronunciation, and meaning]
  • Homonyms [words with the same phoneme and spelling but distinct meanings]
  • Confusion with ‘e’ and ‘i’
  • The ‘c’ and ‘k’ sounds are similar
  • A difficulty with the sounds “y,” “ee,” and “lee”
  • Two vowels
  • Ambiguity between “ea” and “ae”

List of Hardest Words To Spell in English

Hard Words to Spell in English

The English language typically combines pronunciations and spellings from many other languages including Latin, Greek, French, and German. Moreover, different countries spell some words differently. As a result, confusion often prevails among users.

To assist you, below we have organized and listed some of the most difficult words to spell in English. Feel free to take a look.

Also Read: Top 12 Longest Words in English Language

Easy Words That Are Hard to Spell

These are some easy English words that many people find hard to spell or pronounce.

1. Necessary

One of the reasons English is difficult to spell is that some letters like c and s can generate the same sounds but do not always do so. This, paired with the usage of double consonants that do not affect how the word is spoken makes it difficult to spell. How do you recall where and how many c or s letters you will need? So have a look at the word. Do you say “c” with two s’s? Ask yourself this to ensure that a single c followed by a double “s” is necessary.

2. Narcissistic

Narcissistic, like necessary, is difficult to spell because the letters “c” and “s” sound the same way. It can be difficult to remember where to place the double “s”. It might help to know that the word narcissistic is derived from the Greek nárkissos, a plant name linked with opiates.

3. Accommodate

The word accommodate contains a double “c” and a double “m” for good measure. However, the vowels, not the consonants, are what make writing this term difficult. The word “accommodate” [uh-kom-uh-deyt] sounds like it should be spelled with three o’s, or is there a “u” in there? But there are no u’s, and the first letter is an “a”, of all things.

4. Vacuum

Speaking of words with a double “c”, the word vacuum is one that you might anticipate having this spelling but does not. Vacuum has the unusual double “u” instead of the common double c (other words with this peculiar combination are muumuu and continuum). The word’s root is vacuus, which is Latin for “empty.”

5. Phlegm

Silent g’s can come at the beginning and conclusion of words. One example is phlegm [flem]. This term is especially difficult to pronounce because it combines the letters ph and ff. This style of expressing the ff sound appears in Greek words such as phlegm and phone.

6. Spaghetti

A word with Italian origins that is difficult to spell is spaghetti. The letter “i” at the end of a word in Italian denotes that it is plural. The nearly-silent “h” may also confuse you while spelling this word.

7. Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur [ahn-truh-pruh-nur] is a French-spelled word that English speakers find difficult to pronounce. As it begins with an ah sound, you might assume it contains an “a”, but this is not the case. Next time you write this word, remind yourself that the majority of the vowel sounds are “e”, with the exception of the “eu” at the very end for the “oor” sound.

8. Asthma

When it comes to silent letters, we employ an astonishing amount of them in English while spelling. Unless you know the word, there is no way to know these letters should be there. Asthma is a prime example of this, with a silent “th”. Yes, English will occasionally insert a silent “th” to keep you on your toes.

9. Indict

Another word that uses a deceptive silent letter is “indict” [in-dahyt]. You do not pronounce the letter c in this word, thus you may overlook it when spelling. The letter “c” comes from the late Latin word indictāre, which is connected to the English verb dictate.

10. Acquiesce

Another word that means “to assent tacitly; agree,” acquiesce [ak-wee-es], too has some odd letter combinations associated with its pronunciation. The Latin verb acquiēscere, which means “to find rest in,” is the source of the name. When spelling this word, bear in mind that the prefix ac-means “toward” or “to.” This may help you spell the word correctly because it indicates that it breaks down as ac-qui-esce.

Simple Words That Are Hard to Spell

Certain simple English words are frequently misspelled. Here, let us have a look at the list of the easy words that are difficult to spell.

  1. Accommodate
  2. Occasion
  3. Weird
  4. Calendar
  5. Intelligence
  6. Pharaoh
  7. Pronunciation
  8. Misspell
  9. Handkerchief
  10. Cemetery

Hard Words to Spell for School Students

The following are some English words that many students write incorrectly.

  1. Confetti
  2. Bizarre
  3. Corollary
  4. Echelon
  5. Defalcation
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Panache
  8. Pneumonia
  9. Chaos
  10. Liaison

Tough to Spell English Words

The following are some hard words to spell in English.

  1. Masseuse
  2. Mastodon
  3. Harassment
  4. Chivalry
  5. Broccoli
  6. Champagne
  7. Squadron
  8. Bureaucracy
  9. Maneuver
  10. Fisticuffs

Also Read: What is the Importance of Grammar in English?

Hard Words to Spell for College Students

Here is a list of hard words that college students struggle to spell.

  1. Parachute
  2. Acerbic
  3. Contemptuous
  4. Expunge
  5. Vengeance
  6. Scurrilous
  7. Superintendent
  8. Teutonic
  9. Discernible
  10. Penurious
  11. Condescend
  12. Insidious
  13. Unanimous
  14. Abysmal
  15. Resplendent

Frequently Misspelled Words

The following are some of the most regularly misspelled English terms.

  1. Colleague
  2. Hypocrite
  3. Chronological
  4. License
  5. Persistent
  6. Unforeseen
  7. Acknowledgment
  8. Genuine
  9. Foreign
  10. Lacrosse
  11. Restaurant
  12. Asylum
  13. Breathe
  14. Committee
  15. Consensus

Hard to Spell Long Words

Even for native speakers of the language, English is a lovely yet challenging language. In addition to errors, persons with strong fluency occasionally have trouble spelling lengthy words correctly. Some lengthy words that are challenging to spell are listed here.

  1. Hepaticocholangiogastrostomy
  2. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis
  3. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
  4. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
  5. Psychoneuroendocrinological
  6. Spectrophotofluorometrically
  7. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  8. Antidisestablishmentarianism
  9. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  10. Floccinaucinihilipilification

Tricky Words to Spell in the English Language

There are a few English words that are challenging to spell. The spelling and pronunciation of certain words may not always match. So, there is a chance that you will get into trouble. Here is a list of hard words to spell.

  1. Aitch
  2. Chiaroscurist
  3. Autochthonous
  4. Coelacanth
  5. Gobbledegook
  6. Playwright
  7. Paraphernalia
  8. Abacaxi
  9. Chiaroscuro
  10. Gubernatorial
  11. Logorrhea
  12. Pochemuchka
  13. Minuscule
  14. Abgesang
  15. Kierkegaardian
  16. Sacrilegious
  17. Zucchini
  18. Fuchsia
  19. Neapolitan
  20. Nauseous


Spelling rules in English can be difficult, with many catches and exceptions. You can avoid making mistakes if you correctly follow the guidelines. Silent letters, homophones, regional variances, and double consonants are certain traps to avoid. But keep in mind that you will become more proficient at spelling words in the English language the more you study and practice.


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