A discursive essay is a common type of academic essay that teachers will often assign to test the student’s knowledge and skills. Right now, would you have to prepare a discursive essay? Are you looking for the best discursive essay topics and ideas for your assignments? Well, in this blog post, we have explained what a discursive essay means and how to write a brilliant discursive essay to impress your teachers. Also, here, we have shared a list of great discursive essay topic ideas to consider for your essay writing assignment.
To get more ideas about discursive essay writing, continue reading this blog post.
What is a Discursive Essay?
A discursive essay is a type of essay where you must either support or refute the topic. You might be able to express your opinions on both sides of a topic in a balanced manner without choosing a side in some discursive essays. It typically allows you to present opposing viewpoints on a particular idea or subject. Most importantly, writing a discursive essay will force you to examine all aspects of a topic and make you think more deeply about it.
Types of Discursive Essays
A discursive essay is commonly classified into three types.
- For and against Essay: In this essay, you will have to argumentatively discuss an issue, either for or against the subject. When writing this essay, you should specify the pros and cons of the topic of discussion in a neutral manner. Finally, before concluding the essay, you should highlight your opinion on the topic by mentioning your preference.
- Opinion Essay: In this type of discursive essay, as a writer, you will have to explain your opinion or arguments on a particular topic with valid supportive evidence. However, before wrapping up the essay, you should present your arguments against the topic and should explain why they are not persuasive.
- Solutions Suggesting Essay: This essay type will outline a problem and will suggest several possible ways to solve the problem. In the conclusion section of this discursive essay type, you should make sure to share your opinion on the best solution to the problem and should explain the reason why it is effective.
A discursive essay usually looks like an argumentative essay or persuasive essay, but it differs from both of them because the discursive essay presents arguments in a balanced manner considering all the factors related to for and against.
Know How to Write a Discursive Essay
A discursive essay is a formal essay that should be structured properly to make your readers understand your viewpoints. If you are not sure how to write a discursive essay, then be certain to follow the below-mentioned steps for writing a discursive essay.
- First, search and identify a good discursive essay topic that is convenient for you to share your opinions.
- Analyze your selected topic and collect the main points or arguments for discussion.
- Sketch a neat and clear discursive essay outline as per the standard essay structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion.
- Draft the essay according to the main essay structure and organize all your ideas.
- Write an engaging introductory paragraph. In the introduction section, give brief information about the topic and announce the main questions to be described in the entire paper. The thesis statement included in this section should be understandable to your readers.
- Prepare body paragraphs. In the body section of the essay, discuss all the main arguments relevant to your thesis statement with valid evidence.
- Craft a powerful conclusion paragraph and finish your essay. In the conclusion section, share your feelings about the topic and the necessary findings of the topic. Also, highlight the value of your paper and the topic on which you have expressed your opinion.
- After you finish writing the essay, proofread your paper several times and edit if there are any mistakes in it.
Points to Remember While Writing a Discursive Essay
Discursive essays are usually difficult to write. Even though the paper is small, writing a great essay requires more attention. You can follow the steps above in order, especially if you want to write a great discursive essay. In addition, you should keep the following discursive essay writing tips in mind.
- Craft the essay using a formal third-person point of view.
- The essay should be written using appropriate word choice and formal language conventions.
- Never use buzzwords, profound composing style, and casual language to misrepresent on own rightness.
- Include the essential parts, like an introduction, body, and conclusion, to organize your thoughts and structure your essay.
- Prefer to explain your points in a calm and balanced manner.
- Make use of well-known real-world examples to back up your arguments about the thesis statements.
- All of the ideas you’ve taken from other sources should have references to them.
- Make use of appropriate transition words between paragraphs to keep a smooth narration flow.
- Without disrupting the discursive essay’s structure, use persuasive writing techniques like imagery, oxymoron, repetition, metaphor, hyperbole, and simile in the appropriate places.
- Draft the essay content according to your teacher’s essay writing guidelines.
Tips for Choosing a Good Discursive Essay Topic
In the essay writing process, topic selection is the most important step that should be given a high level of importance. Your instructors will provide some discursive essay prompts for you to choose from, or they will ask you to select any topic of your choice.
The topic selection will become tough if you are given the freedom to choose the essay topic on your own. So, to make the topic selection easier for you, here we have shared some important discursive essay topic selection tips.
Keep all these key tips in mind during topic selection to come up with a good discursive essay topic.
- Select a controversial topic that can be argued about with varying opinions or viewpoints.
- Choose a topic in which you have strong knowledge and opinion.
- Pick a complex topic that has at least two sides, so that you can generate more arguments for and against them.
- Give preference to the essay topic that is comfortable for you to write about.
- Identify an interesting and unique essay topic that has the power to grab the attention of the readers.
- Choose a topic that has many relevant facts or evidence to support your arguments or opinions.
List of Discursive Essay Topics and Ideas
Are you hunting for unique discursive essay topics for your assignment? Cool! Just access the entire list of discursive essay topic ideas suggested below and pick any topic that matches you the most.
Best Discursive Essay Topics
Do you need the best topics for creating a discursive essay? If yes, then take help from the list suggested below. In the list, we have included some excellent discursive essay prompts on different themes.
- How can students contribute to the safety of nature?
- Should schools avoid punishing students that include physical torture?
- What are the negative effects of detox diets?
- Is society becoming over-regulated?
- Should uniforms in schools be banned?
- Are political authorities involved in illegal activities?
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of globalization.
- What are the pros and cons of video games among teenagers?
- Is it necessary to ban court proceedings in the UK for television?
- Ban on steroid takers from sports.
- Discuss the link between food, fitness, and weight.
- Is print media almost dead?
- Should capital punishment be banned in every country?
- Is homeschooling a disadvantage for students?
- Is social media harming our lives?
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Simple Discursive Essay Topics for School Students
In case, you are a school student, then according to your grade level, you can choose any simple topic and draft a detailed discursive essay. This may help you reduce the complexities involved in essay writing. Particularly for school students, here, we have shared a list of simple discursive essay titles to focus on.
- Is it necessary to prevent the freedom of speech of people?
- Why are many policymakers pushing STEM education nowadays?
- Will robots in the future add to our efficiency?
- Should the government forbid same-sex marriages?
- Discuss the workplace challenges faced by women.
- Discuss how negative public relations (PR) can help an individual become more popular and successful in the entertainment industry.
- Explain the healing capacity of listening to a favorite song.
- Discuss how peacekeeping missions can bring peace to a nation
- Develop an argumentative study on why should abortion be banned in every country
- Discuss the reasons for attending lectures as optional for students who work to earn a living.
- Are online matrimonial platforms a good option to find and meet potential partners to marry?
- Is an active presence in social media platforms necessary for a small and medium business to attract potential customers and succeed financially and operationally?
- Is it better to watch an action movie on the big screen or in your own home?
- Should clothes labeled as active wear be worn as casual wear?
- Discuss how the extensive use of social networking sites and gaming platforms impacts the academic results of children and adolescents.
Unique Discursive Essay Ideas
Your essay will stand top in the class if you work on any original idea and provide new insights to the readers. So, instead of writing about frequently chosen essay ideas, give preference to a discursive essay topic that is not explored much. These are some unique discursive essay prompts that you may consider for your assignments.
- Discuss how sports and music provide relief from stress.
- Does reading non-fiction enhance the writers’ creativity?
- Describe the best kind of parenting observed in your country.
- Are acts of sex and violence acceptable on TV?
- Illegal production of tobacco across the world.
- How to keep children away from the use of drugs?
- Is English one of the hardest languages to learn?
- Do space explorations guarantee long-term survival?
- Is t necessary to reward children for behaving well?
- Which is better- reading an e-book or paperback?
- Does the media play the most crucial role in spreading fake news and intentionally crafted misinformation?
- Discuss the way bad PR and negative publicity help someone become more powerful and successful in the field of politics
- The beauty product industry is responsible for promoting negative racial and gender stereotypes: Explain with justification
- Currently, social media platforms are becoming more important compared to conventional print and broadcast media: Explain with reasons
- Discuss the positive and negative impact of using blockchain technology on the performance of the international financial market
Amazing Discursive Essay Topics for College Students
Have your professor asked you to submit a discursive essay in college? If yes, then for discursive essay writing, you may consider any of the ideas suggested below. In the list, we have prepared amazing discursive essay topics that college students might take into account for their task.
- Is the current education system efficient?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones?
- Is increased dependency on technology making us foolish?
- Can virtual reality turn out to be dangerous for youngsters?
- Is rock music related to Satanism?
- Has Blockchain improved trade finance in 2018?
- Is social media contributing to a more toxic society?
- Are contemporary people across the world depending too much on technology?
- Is IoT no longer a tool that ensures privacy and security?
- Does workplace diversity contribute to increased productivity?
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of peer pressure.
- Is it necessary to ban short dresses from the workplace?
- Describe the scenario of healthcare and medicine in the 1900s.
- Should famous people in society get involved in politics?
- Do we need Facebook to stay in touch with each other?
Interesting Discursive Essay Ideas
Whenever you are asked to write a discursive essay, always give top priority to the topic that you are highly interested in. In specific, you will enjoy your essay writing process, if you work on the subject you are passionate about. Listed below are some discursive essay prompts that might excite you as well as your readers.
- Is it necessary to expand offshore drilling?
- Is studying Shakespeare obsolete in today’s world?
- Should the average driving age in your country be reduced or increased?
- Explain your views on cryptocurrency.
- Is yoga a more spiritual activity than fasting?
- Are meat-eaters healthier than vegetarians?
- Why do a lot of spiritual people choose to become vegetarian?
- How do the practices of reading great novels help people to sharpen their ability to think outside of the box?
- Are athletes the best role models for children?
- Does a safe, secure, and healthy workplace help employees give their best for the organization?
- Describe the key factors or components of a good office culture
- Is Graffiti an art?
- Should people develop religious tolerance in Muslim countries?
- Are plastic water bottles destroying the environment?
- Is social media presence necessary for a small business to succeed?
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Popular Discursive Essay Topics
In this section, we have presented a list of some popular topics for discursive essays. But while you deal with more frequently discussed essay ideas try to analyze the subject from a different perspective and present a fresh set of powerful arguments with supporting evidence.
- Which is better- watching a movie on the big screen or in your home?
- Is a college education necessary to be successful in life?
- Express your views about the marriage of convenience.
- Is it essential to ban animal sports?
- Which is better- listening to the mind or the heart?
- Should parents be honest with their kids?
- Is the best music founded on social oppression?
- Is cutting hands the only way to dust the corruption?
- Do public schools have a responsibility to teach social-emotional skills to students?
- Is it necessary to abolish zoos?
- Should GMOs be allowed in food?
- Are drug abuse commercials effective?
- Why is it necessary to prohibit the destruction of rainforests?
- Is the military’s use of drones an invasion of privacy?
- Explain the negative and positive effects of Blockchain on energy.
Captivating Discursive Essay Topics
The discursive essay that you compose should grab the attention of the readers. So, to make that happen, it is always good to choose an engaging topic. The following are a few collections of discursive essay questions that might captivate your readers and make them read the entire essay till the conclusion.
- Are tattoos and paganism related to each other?
- Do social media platforms affect the academic performance of students?
- Are dating websites a good place to meet romantic partners?
- Should the government censor rap music culture?
- Should airlines provide a two-seat policy for heavier people?
- Does the gaming world promote problematic gender and racial stereotypes?
- Do energy drinks cause health risks to teenagers?
- Is cheerleading a way to objectify young women?
- Is it necessary to add text message acronyms to dictionaries?
- Do all adults need eight hours of sleep?
- Explain your views about the child-free movement.
- Are technological advancements making us lazier?
- What should be the penalty for internet trolling or cyberbullying?
- Does slavery have a positive influence on world economics?
- Should cell phones be allowed in school?
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Latest Discursive Essay Topics
You may also craft a discursive essay on any recent issues to stay updated. Here, we have shared a list of trending discursive essay topic ideas on various themes for you to focus on. Working on the latest topics will help you to deeply analyze a problem and come up with several solid arguments.
- Is plastic surgery good?
- Are tattoos a work of art?
- Is an MBA necessary to be successful in business?
- Is exercising necessary for losing weight?
- Should a parent be on the same social network as their child?
- Will Google bring about the end of privacy?
- Discuss the correlation between wealth and happiness.
- Which is worse: White-collar crime or Blue-collar crime?
- Which is better: Single-sex School or Co-ed School?
- Is good grammar necessary?
- Should a 20 to 30-minute afternoon nap be allowed at work?
- Is traditional medicine better than alternative medicine?
- Should cheerleading be recognized as a sport and played in the Olympics?
- Is texting and texting apps like WhatsApp killing the English language?
- At what age should a child start doing household chores?
- Work-from-office culture or work-from-home culture: Which is better and why?
- Should social media platforms need to be allowed to regulate and censor user posts?
- Should society hold celebrities to a high moral standard?
- Should religious organizations need to pay taxes as businesses do?
- Should all religious people be allowed to marry and have children?
Informative Discursive Essay Topics
Rather than simply presenting your argument, you should make sure to create the discursive essay in a way that is informative to the readers. Hence, it is recommended to choose an essay topic with good educational value. These are some informative topics on which you may create a discursive essay.
- Should the law abolish the wage gap between genders?
- How can musicians motivate their audience toward an ideal path?
- Why does society ignore harassment and domestic violence against men?
- How does English literature influence male chauvinism?
- Explain the adverse impacts of social media on literature.
- Differentiate between modern and Western cultures with examples.
- Is it better to be business partners with a family member?
- Does violence in song lyrics influence the members of society?
- Does body shaming and bullying by the teachers impact a student’s mindset?
- How can colleges and universities promote travel writing?
- Discuss the roles of individuals and governments in addressing climate change.
- Analyze the effects of immigration on local economies and societies.
- Discuss the potential effects of raising the minimum wage on the economy and society.
- Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of standardized testing in education.
- Examine the ways in which technology can enhance healthcare outcomes and services.
The Bottom Line
From the list recommended above, pick any topic of your choice and craft a top-quality discursive essay according to your instructor’s guidelines. Especially, when writing a discursive essay, make sure to strongly present your viewpoints or arguments about the topic of discussion with proper evidence. Moreover, to fetch good grades, you should submit a plagiarism-free, flawless, and well-structured discursive essay with essential sections such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. In case, it is troublesome for you to craft a discursive essay, approach us for support. As per your needs, the finest essay helpers on our platform will assist you with discursive essay topic selection, writing, and editing.