
180 Controversial Topics for Academic Work

Home » 180 Controversial Topics for Academic Work

Need the best controversial topics for your academic work? If yes, then this blog post is for you. Generally, when writing essays or research papers, students will not give more importance to controversial topics because of the challenges involved in them. But at times, in particular, educators will ask students to create high-quality academic papers on controversial ideas that are associated with different fields. In case, you have no idea what topic to choose for your controversial research paper, keep on reading. For your convenience, here we have suggested 180 controversial research topics on various themes. In addition to that, we have also explained what topic to choose and how to draft an academic paper on a controversial subject.

Before jumping to the list of ideas, first, let us a quick overview of controversial research.

What is a Controversial Research?

It is a form of research that focuses on a topic from all aspects including the controversies involved in it. Mainly, it is done to stir certain morals and ideas that are hidden behind a controversy. Particularly, it explores opposite opinions and gathers sufficient proof. Often controversies will be associated with the topics of politics, religion, culture, and social life. Moreover, writing controversial papers relates to argumentative essays that clarify their position and beliefs.


Controversial Topics


How to Select a Controversial Research Paper Topic

Generally, the thought of choosing a controversial research topic might make the whole journey of research paper writing, tougher. But don’t worry. Here, let’s explore some of the key points below that might help you to choose outstanding controversial research topics.

  • Firstly, your subject needs inspiration and you need to have enough knowledge on the topic.
  • Secondly, it’s essential to narrow your ideas, while you select your controversial research topics. However, if your topic is broad, it seems difficult to identify your topics and state clear viewpoints. Mostly, the students tend to make a claim that doesn’t seem common.
  • Thirdly, include a high degree of counter-agreement in your paper as you ought to research a controversy.
  • Fourthly, offer statistical information like unusual facts or surveys as you might want to strengthen your controversial research.
  • Lastly, eliminate plagiarism issues as it might happen that you will overuse statistics or quotes when reporting recent media events.

Irrespective of what you choose, youth gangs in Brazil or police violence in Florida, identify fresh examples to explain it. Perhaps, in this way, you will manage to relate your research to the thoughts and feelings of the audience. Most importantly, include explanations and appropriate references for each opinion you depict in the research papers. Also, every claim you make needs good resources to support it as you might want to write a strong paper. Furthermore, it doesn’t seem easy to write on pro-arm activists while you write on school violence topics. Hence, ensure to discuss specific topics as you might want to make your research valuable.

Steps for Writing a Controversial Research Paper

So, now that you know how to choose controversial research topics, let’s learn how to start writing on them.

  • Firstly, stir a discussion and research as it doesn’t move around the same argument alone. Hence, select something that might make people question certain ideas and morals. Also, you ought to analyze opposite viewpoints and accumulate sufficient adequate proof.
  • Secondly, it doesn’t seem appropriate to just say that something is wrong. For instance, if you make a statement that video games create aggressive youth that might not seem appropriate. Instead, you ought to discuss facts like cognitive development and why the youth turns to video games.
  • Thirdly, consider exploring the whole controversy itself and let the audience form their own opinions.
  • Fourthly, ensure to select at least five controversial research topics made of different words. Perhaps, this will allow you to choose topics that might best meet your perspectives and positions.
  • Lastly, make sure to write a thesis statement that relates to your controversial research topics. Mostly, the professors look for impactful thesis statements as this might call for good grades.

List of Controversial Topics and Ideas

The following are some outstanding controversial topics that you may prefer for academic writing. Whenever you struggle to identify a good controversial subject for writing your essay or research paper, quickly go through all the ideas and from it pick a topic that you are confident to discuss.

Best Controversial Research Topics

Are you seeking the best controversial topics for your research paper? If so, the list suggested here might be helpful to you. In the list, we have included some amazing controversial research questions on various themes.

  1. Uninsured patients and their safety.
  2. Video games and their violence.
  3. How is a nurse responsible for the patient’s behavior?
  4. All vegetarians are healthy- What is your viewpoint>
  5. Covid-19 and the controversies surrounding it.
  6. Personal medical data and its disclosure.
  7. Disabilities among the students- How to deal with it.
  8. Religious conflicts and their origins.
  9. Female versus male parenting.
  10. Analyzing the ethical aspects of beauty salons.
  11. Exploring the drawbacks of the fashion industry.
  12. The United States and its external politics.
  13. The right of prisoners to vote.
  14. Permission for Smartphones in Schools.
  15. Social media and negative body image.

Simple Controversial Topics for Research

It might be challenging for you to prepare a research paper on complex controversial ideas. So, instead of picking complicated topics, you may give preference to any of these simple controversial topics for research paper writing.

  1. Demonstration of slavery in the media.
  2. Explore the problems of vaccine distributions.
  3. Medical tourism and its problems.
  4. The negative impact of nightclubs.
  5. Causes of global warming- Who is to be blamed?
  6. Poland and its Abortion law
  7. Discuss the moral aspects of legalizing abortion in the United States
  8. Firearm Laws and its Current Scenario: An Indian Perspective
  9. Discuss the restricted nature of Catholicism
  10. What are the major restrictions and prohibitions in Middle Eastern countries?
  11. Alcohol consumption and rape
  12. Alcohol consumption and domestic violence
  13. Gender discrimination in the field of academic science and medicine
  14. Juvenile Delinquency and Justice in the United States
  15. Discuss the reasons behind juvenile delinquency
  16. Video games and their violence.
  17. How is a nurse responsible for the patient’s behavior?
  18. All vegetarians are healthy- What is your viewpoint>
  19. Covid-19 and the controversies surrounding it.
  20. Personal medical data and its disclosure.

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Interesting Controversial Ideas for Research

You will enjoy your study and academic writing process if you work on a controversial research topic that is interesting to you. Therefore, for your convenience, here, we have shared a collection of controversial ideas that are exciting for you to analyze and write about.

  1. Children taking care of young siblings- What are your viewpoints?
  2. Luxury parties and their prohibition.
  3. Permitting smartphones in schools.
  4. Males versus Females in Science.
  5. Religion is a compulsory subject in schools.
  6. The adverse impact of nightclubs.
  7. Demonstrating slavery in the media.
  8. Analyzing the distorted view of the world in the USA.
  9. Ban Facebook and Instagram use for children.
  10. Public education versus Montessori Education- Explore the threat of Montessori education.
  11. Unequal distribution of healthcare services across the world.
  12. How is opium used for sedating purposes?
  13. Abolishing the tax system for the poor population.
  14. Athletes and morality.
  15. Relevance of teaching martial arts in schools.
  16. Psychological characteristics of a typical perpetrator of child abuse
  17. Examine the reasons behind the rise in mental health conditions rising since 1950
  18. Is negativity inherited through our genes?
  19. Gender roles in African society are detrimental to women’s empowerment
  20. Discuss the controversy around Milgram’s obedience experiments

You may also prepare your research paper on any of the popular controversial ideas suggested below. But when you write about the frequently chosen topics, analyze the topic from a different perspective and present new arguments with supporting evidence.

  1. How to approach the death penalty differently.
  2. Attitudes towards Aids patients.
  3. Why forgive student loan debts- Analyze from the college perspective.
  4. Prohibition of addictive drug production
  5. Ban on alcohol purchase and consumption among young adults
  6. Should luxury parties and gatherings be forbidden?
  7. Dark Side of the Glamour and Entertainment Industry
  8. Should nightlife be restricted to adolescents?
  9. Distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine at schools and colleges for free
  10. Importance of martial arts for women
  11. Should reservations be provided to women at workplaces?
  12. Inclusion and anti-discrimination policies in educational institutions and workplaces
  13. Community college controversies open Pandora’s Box in North Carolina
  14. Should nurses and healthcare professionals be allowed to serve criminals by hiding their information from the police?
  15. Should student credits be allowed for every student?
  16. The psychological impact of negative attitudes on LGBTQ+ people
  17. Discuss the controversy around Zimbardo’s simulated prison experiment
  18. Why are the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Brown-Eyed vs. Blue-Eyed Student Experiments considered the two most controversial experiments?
  19. Discuss the shocking psychological revelation from the Monster Study experiment
  20. Compare and contrast The Robbers Cave Experiment and The Monkey Drug Trial in 1969

Captivating Controversial Essay Topics

The controversial essay that you create should be engaging to your readers. So, to prepare a controversial essay that is captivating to your readers, you may consider any of the topics recommended here

  1. Should school teachers be permitted to provide private coaching?
  2. The safety of uninsured patients.
  3. The moral aspect of marijuana legalization.
  4. Should the elder children take care of their younger siblings?
  5. The violence in video games.
  6. Is being a vegetarian healthy?
  7. The impact of cell phones on health.
  8. Role of a nurse in maintaining the privacy of crime information.
  9. Community colleges and their negative outlook.
  10. Tobacco advertisements and their benefits.
  11. Marijuana legalization and its ethical aspects.
  12. Prohibiting the entry of minors in beauty salons.
  13. Capital punishment and its benefits for the media.
  14. Explain the relevance of school uniforms or should be abolished.
  15. Free college education– What is your viewpoint?
  16. Rap and Rock musicians- Substance promotion.
  17. Ban of animals in different research work.
  18. Social media dependency.
  19. Civil Rights
  20. Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Good Controversial Research Ideas for Students

Do you have no idea what controversial research topic to select for your assignments? If yes, then take help from the list published below. In the list, particularly for students, we have included some good controversial research questions to take into account.

  1. Climate Change
  2. Death Penalty or Capital Punishment
  3. Abortion
  4. Social Security
  5. Artificial Intelligence
  6. Health Insurance
  7. Marijuana legalization
  8. Mandatory vaccination for Covid-19
  9. Women rights
  10. Religious freedom
  11. Ethical hacking
  12. Power of Labor Union
  13. Growth of extremism
  14. Outsourcing by government organizations
  15. Gun control

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If you want your academic paper to stand out in your class, then you may write about any of the trending controversial ideas presented below. When you deal with the latest controversial topics, you will get a chance to inform your readers about the recent happenings in a detailed manner.

  1. Police brutality
  2. Cyber security
  3. Reparations
  4. Immigration Act of the United States
  5. Cybercrime: Phenomena, challenges, and legal response
  6. Right to death
  7. Euthanasia
  8. Montessori schools: A threat to the public education system
  9. Should religious studies be included in schools mandatorily?
  10. Life imprisonment and rehabilitation home: Which is best on the moral ground?
  11. Biggest threats to sustainable tourism
  12. Should children be permitted access to beauty salons?
  13. Vaccine distribution is a problem.
  14. worldwide unequal access to healthcare
  15. the treatment of AIDS patients.

Impactful Controversial Research Topics

The controversial research paper that you create should build an impact in your readers’ minds. So, to compose an impactful controversial research paper, give preference to any of the topics suggested here.

  1. What health risks come with using a cell phone?
  2. Should we forbid using animals in a variety of research projects?
  3. Do humans contribute to global warming?
  4. Why do people take varied stances on the death penalty?
  5. Should those in poverty be exempt from paying taxes?
  6. Should nurses keep the details of the crimes a secret?
  7. The fashion industry’s shadow side
  8. the negative aspects of clubs.
  9. the way that slavery is portrayed in the media.
  10. the USA’s warped perception of the rest of the globe.
  11. community colleges have a bad reputation.
  12. Should nurses keep the details of the crimes a secret?
  13. the practice of sedating someone with opium.
  14. the problem with medical travel.
  15. Should children be permitted access to beauty salons?

Unique Controversial Topics for Essays

In this section, we have shared some less-explored controversial essay prompts. If you are curious to prepare a unique controversial essay, then, from here, you may very well choose any topic of your choice.

  1. the distribution of vaccines problem.
  2. The treatment of AIDS patients.
  3. Does using a cell phone pose a risk to our health?
  4. Should we forbid the use of animals in a variety of scientific projects?
  5. Does the issue of college students who are under stress using Adderall require more public attention?
  6. How far should psychological studies on obedience and conscience be permitted to go?
  7. Is committing minor offenses a socially sanctioned coping strategy?
  8. How much control do terminally ill individuals have over whether to end their lives?
  9. Why do people take varied stances on the death penalty?
  10. Should those in poverty be exempt from paying taxes?

Top Controversial Debate Topics

You may also choose controversial topics for debates. In case, you need the top controversial debate ideas, then the list suggested below might be useful to you.

  1. Can art be separated from art?
  2. Are award shows like Oscar still relevant?
  3. Is fashion a form of art?
  4. Is dieting a danger to overall health?
  5. Can electric vehicles solve environmental pollution?
  6. Should public funding be used for arts?
  7. Has technology had an impact on the level of laziness in society?
  8. Do aliens exist?
  9. Should all people have the right to access the Internet?
  10. Is genetic testing immoral?

Informative Controversial Essay Topics

The controversial essay that you prepare should widen the topic knowledge of the target readers. So, to create an informative controversial essay, it is essential to choose a topic with educational value. Listed below are some controversial topics that will support you in writing an informative essay.

  1. Should nurses be permitted to wear hijabs or other religious attire?
  2. Is PAD (physician aid-in-dying) or PAS (physician-assisted suicide) ethically permissible in countries like the United States and South Korea? Explain with justifications
  3. Since prisons are expensive to maintain, would it be more beneficial for society to find other ways to deal with offenders?
  4. Should cybercriminals need to receive severe punishment accompanied by a large monetary penalty like those committing physical crimes?
  5. Is it true to believe that people with untreated chronic psychological issues are more likely to commit physical assault and societal crimes?
  6. It is sensible to ban the advertisements sexualizing the female body for the greater good?
  7. Is it justified to believe that transgender individuals have to undergo sex change therapy before they can apply for surgery?
  8. Can there be any geopolitical situation where the use of nuclear weapons or bioweapons is justified?
  9. Is it appropriate to believe the opinion of the opponents of Obamacare (i.e., the Affordable Care Act) who claimed the legislation would destroy jobs?
  10. Are polyamorous relationships legal? Why and/or why not do these kinds of relationships need to be banned in countries like South Africa and others with high rates of STIs (sexually transmitted infections)?

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Controversial Topics for Group Discussion

Find here, some amazing controversial topic ideas for group discussion. When you discuss controversial issues or topics, make sure to present your arguments or counterarguments with valid examples.

  1. MBAs do not make good business leaders.
  2. Pros and Cons of Alcohol ban in India.
  3. Are news channels breaking rules to give breaking news?
  4. Artificial Intelligence is a threat to humanity.
  5. How does praise affect children?
  6. Equal rights mean equal law observance.
  7. Homework is a holdover from the past.
  8. No-fault divorces should be prohibited.
  9. Are election campaigns a waste of money?
  10. Terrorism is a powerful political instrument.

The Bottom Line

From the list recommended above, choose any controversial topic you are interested in and prepare your academic paper on it, after an in-depth study. Whenever you deal with controversial topics, carefully explore the topic and explain it with supporting facts, statistics, or evidence. Remember, the controversial research paper that you create must touch upon any controversy. Furthermore, your academic paper on controversial topics should be non-plagiarized, error-free, and meaningful. If it is tough for you to work on controversial problems or ideas, approach us for assistance. Our team contains several well-qualified and experienced academic writers from different educational backgrounds. By using their expertise, they will guide you in completing your academic work on any controversial topic as per your needs.

Jacob Smith Research Paper Topics Reading Time: 14 minutes

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