Blog Author
Jacob Smith
Author Name: Jacob Smith Articles Published: 83 Experience: 12 years Education: Columbia University Degree: Ph.D. in Economics Position: Associate Professor in Economics, Academic Consultant Expertise: Assignment Helper, Formatting Guide, Research Paper Author Know About Author Jacob Smith is a passionate economics instructor and researcher. He has spent more than 12 years guiding students through their assignments. In specific, he has helped several UG, PG, and Ph.D. students complete their research papers and dissertations on different economics concepts. He always makes sure that each student gets in-depth subject knowledge suitable to compose a detailed academic paper worthy of an A+ grade. As Jacob Smith is a professor cum researcher, it is more convenient for him to share his insights on creating well-structured economics research papers. He also has a high interest in exploring microeconomics and macroeconomics. Particularly, his love for teaching has made him serve as an economics assignment helper at Moreover, he is strong in various writing styles and also advises students about creating well-formatted academic papers using inspiring words. He aims to spread his subject knowledge to whoever is in need. Especially, from teaching economics to helping students in strengthening their research and writing skills, Jacob Smith has come a long way in his journey. He continuously transfers his enthusiasm to students and encourages them to boost their overall academic grades. Career Highlights • Taught undergraduate and postgraduate economics courses in the university curriculum • Supervised 11 students in writing their PhD thesis. • Assisted 28 undergraduate and 12 postgraduate students in finishing their economics research papers and dissertations. • Provided lectures to classes of 60+ students. • Helped students obtain a solid understanding of academic writing standards. • Created plenty of educational materials, presentations, and notes that had received great remarks from students. • Monitored the progress of each student and offered personalized lectures to meet unique needs. • To improve the academic performance of students, I initiated research projects and conducted writing tutorials.

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