
110 Excellent English Research Topics and Ideas

Home » 110 Excellent English Research Topics and Ideas

Are you confused about what topic to choose for English research? Don’t worry. When it comes to English, there are no boundaries to the subjects you can research. Moreover, the English research paper topic you pick should focus on answering a question based on your investigation. Usually, selecting a fascinating English research title that has the power to attract an audience and demonstrate your academic skills might be challenging. Therefore, in this blog, we have published a list of 110 excellent English research topics and ideas suggested by our team of experts. Additionally, we have also shared how to choose a good English research topic to get started.

If you have difficulty identifying a suitable study topic, explore this blog and get amazing ideas for English research.

Know How to Select a Perfect English Research Topic

It is important to possess the necessary knowledge to identify a topic for English research. In case, you struggle to choose a topic for your English research paper, follow these steps.

  1. First, select a subject that interests you.
  2. After doing a thorough background investigation, generate numerous English research ideas based on your interests.
  3. List the different keywords that will help you concentrate on the main idea.
  4. Examine a variety of perspectives on the topic you have chosen. Specifically, ask essential questions like what, who, why, who, and when to achieve this.
  5. Outline the content’s structure depending on how you want it to appear and the questions you answered.
  6. Pay close attention to the research paper’s length and due date.
  7. Confirm that your topic meets all of your professor’s research guidelines and requirements.

Note that the research topic you choose will only be good if it appeals to both you and your audience. It is recommended that you choose a subject that is familiar to you and can support your research with adequate sources. So keep these in mind while you brainstorm ideas and topics for your English research paper.

Read More – Learn and Understand the Common English Techniques

Understand How to Structure an English Research Paper

After you have chosen a topic, conduct an in-depth study on it and then prepare a brilliant English research paper. Remember, the English research paper you compose should be well-structured, informative, and plagiarism-free. In case, you are unsure how to organize the ideas in your English research paper, follow the standard structure specified below

Title Page

In the research paper’s title page, you should include the title, author’s name, institutional affiliation, and submission date.


The abstract is a concise description of the research paper, usually no more than 250 words. Here, you should provide a short description of the research topic, methods, results, and conclusions.


In this section, you should introduce the research question, explain its significance, and review existing research in the field. Additionally, you may include the research question or hypothesis, as well as an explanation of the study methodology.

Literature Review

The literature review usually examines past research on the issue, highlights major findings, and identifies gaps. In this part, you should conduct a critical literature review and point out the advantages and disadvantages of earlier research.


In the methodology section, you should outline the study’s research strategy, data collection methodologies, and analysis approaches. Enough information in this section would allow another researcher to do a similar study.


In this section, you should present the study’s findings clearly and concisely. You may also use tables and figures to display data more visually.


In this part, you should describe how the study results relate to previous research and the research topic. Also, here, you may identify any study limitations and recommend areas for future research.


Summarize the study’s principal findings and reiterate the research question or hypothesis in the research section. Furthermore, in this component, you may briefly explore the implications of the findings and make recommendations for further research.


Here, cite all the sources cited in the research paper using a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA). Every reference needs to be precise and comprehensive.

List of the Best English Research Topics

English Research Topics

English is a broad subject and so it contains several research topics to focus on. Especially, for English research, you may choose any topic that is related to categories such as drugs, politics, technology, drugs, religion, English literature, gender discrimination, and others.

If you are unsure what topic to choose for your English research paper, make use of the list published below. In the list, you will get 110 exclusive English research questions, titles, and ideas on various themes.

Also read: Learn About Different Language Features in English

Simple English Research Topics

If you wish to craft an error-free English research paper effortlessly, then give preference to any simple topic. These are a few Basic English research ideas that might be convenient for you to analyze and write about.

  1. Examine the impact of social media on mental health.
  2. Discuss the importance of symbolism in poetry.
  3. Examine the role of social capital in community development.
  4. Discuss the causes and effects of the Great Depression.
  5. Explain how to enhance racial relations.
  6. Conduct a literary analysis of ‘The Monk’ written by Matthew Lewis.
  7. Examine the risks associated with organic food consumption.
  8. Discuss the importance of imagination in poetry writing.
  9. Explore the role of digital communication in learning the English language.
  10. Discuss the effect of the mother tongue on learning the English language.
  11. Explore the future of renewable energy.
  12. Discuss the cultural impact of superhero movies in society.
  13. Explore the importance of storytelling in human communication.
  14. Explain how mental illness is portrayed in contemporary literature.
  15. Discuss the psychology of motivation and goal-setting.

Interesting English Research Ideas

Always compose your English research paper on the topic that is interesting to you. By working on your interesting topic, you may precisely present your thoughts and make your paper worthy to read. The following are some topics that might be exciting for you to write your English research paper.

  1. Analyze the effects of climate change on agriculture.
  2. Focus on the representation of women in literature.
  3. Investigate the role of AI in education.
  4. Explore the role of women in historical events and movements.
  5. Analyze the impact of books on political issues.
  6. Examine the correlation between illegal immigration and terrorism.
  7. Analyze the impact of the English language on other cultures.
  8. Discuss romantic philosophy in Walt Whitman’s poetry.
  9. Suggest the best methods to improve speaking attributes.
  10. Explore how pronunciation varies in various learning cultures.
  11. Explain the psychology of decision-making.
  12. Focus on the Cultural Revolution in China.
  13. Explain how the popular media represents race and ethnicity.
  14. Examine the social effects of child work.
  15. Focus on English language acquisition difficulties.

Unique English Research Paper Topics

If you want your English research paper to be noticeable in the crowd, then deal with any topic that was not discussed earlier. Listed below are some unique topics that will help you in drafting an outstanding English research paper.

  1. Focus on the gender stereotypes in the workplace.
  2. Analyze the influence of foreshadowing in Gothic literature.
  3. Examine the effect of income inequality on social mobility.
  4. Analyze different film techniques.
  5. Examine the effects of terrorism on business.
  6. Focus on the evolution of marriage in contemporary culture.
  7. Discuss the risks of weight training for women.
  8. Focus on obstacles in modern English literature.
  9. Investigate the credibility of digital certification.
  10. Explain how to build interview skills.
  11. Discuss the use of animation and special effects in modern cinema.
  12. Take a look at the rise of communism and the Russian Revolution.
  13. Analyze the psychological and sociological effects of virtual reality technology.
  14. Explain how dietary misconceptions are hurting health.
  15. Investigate mercy killing incidents in the USA.

Informative English Research Topics

The English research paper that you compose should provide knowledge to your readers. So, to achieve that, select any topic with educational value. These are some English research questions that will help you in creating an informative academic paper.

  1. Analyze the ethical implications of artificial intelligence.
  2. Examine the significance of cryptography in modern society.
  3. Investigate the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society and culture.
  4. Discuss the influence of film noir on modern cinema.
  5. Analyze the impact of texting and mobile devices.
  6. Examine the negative effects of online dating apps.
  7. Analyze the effects of the civil rights movement.
  8. Discuss the Montessori Method of education.
  9. Explore the role of kinesics in communication.
  10. Analyze the impact of audiobooks in enhancing learning abilities.
  11. Focus on the representation of historical events and figures in films.
  12. Examine the impact of the Age of Exploration on world history.
  13. Analyze the evolution of science fiction as a literary genre.
  14. Take a look at the way of life in 18th-century London.
  15. Focus on the advantages of studying abroad.

Best English Research Topics for School Students

Are you seeking the best English research ideas for your school assignments? If yes, then take help from the list recommended here. In the list, particularly for students, we have added some outstanding research topics in English.

  1. Take a look at the role of education in reducing poverty.
  2. Focus on the theme of identity in Postcolonial literature.
  3. Examine the causes and effects of the French Revolution.
  4. Explore the significance of music in films.
  5. Take a look at the place of technology in economics.
  6. Examine the adverse impact of doing improper exercises.
  7. Discuss the correlation between literature and psychology.
  8. Discuss the legal consequences of plagiarism in academic writing.
  9. Examine the scope of digital marketing for small businesses.
  10. Explain how to learn time management skills.

Engaging Topics for English Research

Your English research paper should be engaging and not boring to your readers. Therefore, it is essential to create a research paper on any English topic that has the power to grab the readers’ attention. Here are some awesome English research paper topics that may help you captivate your target audience.

  1. Analyze the impact of globalization on cultural identity.
  2. Explore the role of religion in literature.
  3. Focus on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
  4. Examine the correlation between music and emotions.
  5. Focus on the modern literary allegories of the Bible.
  6. Analyze the influence of Europe on global fashion.
  7. Take a look at stream-of-consciousness writing style.
  8. Explain how to develop positivity in college students.
  9. Interpret American English drama.
  10. Focus on positive learning techniques.

Top English Research Ideas for College Students

In case, you are clueless about what English research topic to choose for your college assignments, explore the list suggested below. For college students, we have provided a few incredible topics worthy of creating a top-score-fetching English research paper.

  1. Explore the role of arts and culture in building strong communities.
  2. Examine the impact of war on literature and culture.
  3. Discuss the Holocaust’s legacy in modern society.
  4. Focus on the evolution of the fashion industry.
  5. Examine the negative aspects of a democratic government.
  6. Discuss the consequences of bioterrorism.
  7. Take a look at feminist perspectives in English literature.
  8. Explore the role of leadership in handling real-world issues.
  9. Analyze the impact of the internet on students’ psychology.
  10. Examine the effects of tobacco advertising.

Also read: Top 12 Longest Words in the English Language

Educational English Research Ideas

You may create your English research paper from an education perspective. The following are some amazing English research paper topics that will help you widen your learning of the language.

  1. Provide an analysis of some reliable resources for learning English.
  2. Examine the challenges non-American students encounter when communicating in English.
  3. Focus on writing in a stream-of-consciousness style.
  4. Discuss the role of language in the evolution of society.
  5. Write about mythology in literature.
  6. Explain the role of poetry in English literature education.
  7. Focus on moral principles that can be taught through spoken English conversation.
  8. Analyze the impact of grammatical faults on English writing skills.
  9. Examine the use of creativity in poetry composition.
  10. Recognize the value of the English language for those who are not native speakers.

You may also develop your English research paper on any of the popular topics presented below. But when you write on a regularly chosen idea, examine it from a different perspective and present new insights to the readers.

  1. Examine the correlation between language and thought.
  2. Analyze the effect of cryptocurrency on financial markets.
  3. Explore the impact of the Cold War on International relations.
  4. Explain how technology affects health management.
  5. Analyze the significance of digitalized medical records.
  6. Analyze the effects of the commercialization of sports.
  7. Examine the impact of language on society’s development.
  8. Explain how to boost English communication skills for international students.
  9. Examine active listening skills.
  10. Analyze the ethical use of stem cells.

Final Words

Hopefully, all the ideas from the above-suggested list will help you in preparing an excellent English research paper. So, without any hesitation, from the list, pick any topic that is comfortable for you to explore and write about. Remember, to fetch an A+ grade, the English research paper that you compose should be plagiarism-free, error-free, and informative, and it should meet your instructor’s guidelines. Sometimes, you may experience certain difficulties with English research paper topic selection, writing, or editing. During such times, get in touch with us immediately. The assignment experts from our team with strong knowledge of the English language will assist you in completing all the stages of the research paper preparation process.

Jacob Smith Research Paper Topics Reading Time: 12 minutes

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