
200 Unique Persuasive Essay Topics and Ideas

Home » 200 Unique Persuasive Essay Topics and Ideas

Are you searching for the best persuasive essay topics for your assignment? If yes, then continue reading this blog post. For your convenience, we have shared a list of 200 excellent persuasive essay topic ideas on different themes. Additionally, we have also explained how to choose the right topic and write a persuasive essay with proper supporting evidence. Explore the entire blog and get amazing ideas for persuasive essay writing.

What is a Persuasive Essay?

A persuasive essay is a written argument that attempts to persuade readers to embrace a specific viewpoint, take action, or make a choice. Mainly, to convince your readers, in a persuasive essay, you will have to evidence, reasoning, and emotional appeals compellingly. Furthermore, as a writer, you will have to take a position on the chosen topic, back it up with logical reasoning and facts, answer counterarguments, and use rhetorical elements to make a convincing case. The main purpose of a persuasive essay is to persuade the reader to adopt the writer’s viewpoint or come to a decision. Thus, it is considered an effective tool for forming opinions and beliefs.


Persuasive Essay Topics


How to Choose a Perfect Persuasive Essay Topic

The success of your persuasive essay mostly depends on the topic you choose to write about. So, take your time and identify an appropriate topic for persuasive essay writing. In case you are clueless about identifying a good persuasive essay topic, following these tips might help.

  • Pick an essay topic that interests you so that you can argue with conviction.
  • Never take into broad topics. Instead, concentrate on a particular aspect of a larger issue.
  • Consider the essay topics that your readers will find interesting or relatable.
  • Give preference to a topic that has a variety of viewpoints so that you can make a convincing case.
  • Make sure the topic you select has sufficient data and proof to back up your claims.
  • Avoid frequently discussed easy ideas. Instead, consider approaching them from a novel standpoint.
  • Pick a topic that aligns with the purpose of your persuasive essay.
  • Choose an essay topic that has a scope to convince or persuade your readers.
  • Select an essay topic that is engaging, debatable, and relevant to your target audience.

Steps for Writing a Persuasive Essay

Are you confused about how to write a persuasive essay? If yes, then follow these steps.

  • Search and find a topic: First, choose a subject that interests you and can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. Then, acquire information to help you comprehend it better.
  • Define your stance: Clearly define your perspective on the subject and condense your argument into a single thesis statement.
  • Know your readers: Identify your target audience and personalize your approach based on their values, beliefs, and issues.
  • Sketch a persuasive essay outline: Make a well-organized outline by including essential sections such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. Your essay outline will serve as your writing guide.
  • Compose an engaging introduction: Begin writing your persuasive essay with a compelling introduction. Your introductory paragraph should grab your reader’s interest with a hook, provide background information, and state a thesis clearly.
  • Develop your essay argument: After the introduction, include body paragraphs in your persuasive essay. In the body of your essay, you should present evidence and logical reasoning to back up your claim, answer counter-arguments, and use persuasive language and rhetorical techniques.
  • Wrap up with conviction: Finally, close your persuasive essay with a conclusion. In the conclusion paragraph, you should summarize your major points, restate your thesis, and conclude with a call to action or thought-provoking comment.
  • Proofread and edit: Once you finish writing your persuasive essay, examine it for clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness. Also, check for flaws and seek feedback from your mentor to improve your argument. If the final draft of your persuasive essay satisfies the requirements and guidelines, proofread it once, and submit it.

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List of Persuasive Essay Topics and Ideas

If you are unsure what topic to choose for your persuasive essay, take a look at the list presented below. In the list, you will get 200 amazing persuasive essay topic ideas on different themes.

Simple Persuasive Essay Topics

Would you wish to effortlessly write a persuasive essay? If yes, then instead of picking challenging ideas, give preference to any simple topic ideas that are presented below.

  1. Analyze the permission of pets in schools.
  2. Big dogs versus small dogs?
  3. Cheating and its punishment.
  4. Is there a need for mandatory homework?
  5. Bullying management in your school.
  6. Day school and its duration.
  7. Permission for mobile phones in schools.
  8. Freedom of students to choose their subjects.
  9. Elaborate on the school rule you want to change.
  10. Self-defense class and its importance.
  11. Do schools begin too early?
  12. Hot dog versus Pizza?
  13. Elaborate on your favorite dessert.
  14. Eating at a restaurant versus eating at home- What do you prefer?
  15. Permission for sugar drinks in a school.

Persuasive Essay Prompts for School Students

Are you seeking good persuasive essay questions for your school assignment? Take a look at the list published below. In the list, we have suggested some basic persuasive essay titles for students.

  1. Is it mandatory for the kids to eat food they don’t like?
  2. Snacks throughout the day versus three sets of meals?
  3. Is meat-eating a good idea?
  4. Healthy food and junk food- Identify the most expensive option.
  5. Pizza versus Burger: Which is the most popular across the world?
  6. Is it good to offer soda to the guests at a school event?
  7. Should standardized tests determine whether or not you go on to another grade level?
  8. Is it advantageous to learn cursive writing in elementary schools?
  9. Love marriage versus Arranged marriage: Which is better and why?
  10. Reading story books versus spending time in outdoor games: Which is better for the psychological health of a child and why?
  11. Music versus Dance: Which one is the most relaxing practice?
  12. Late night study versus early morning study: Which is more effective and why?
  13. Does peer communication and socialization help in children’s cognitive development?
  14. Should restaurants eliminate tipping and increase the wages of their staff instead?
  15. Ragging in colleges impacts new students’ studies: Explain

Best Persuasive Essay Topics for College Students

Sometimes it might be challenging for you to select an excellent persuasive topic for a college essay. So, to make the essay topic selection process easier for college students, here, we have recommended a list of persuasive essay ideas.

  1. What is the best animal to train?
  2. Elaborate on the best athlete in this world.
  3. Wild animals as pets- Evaluate this statement.
  4. Adopting animals from an animal shelter- Review the statement.
  5. What is the easiest hobby to learn?
  6. Individual sports versus team sports?
  7. Playing sports versus watching sports?
  8. Winter sports versus summer sports?
  9. Identify the best activity in a rainy season.
  10. Professional athletes and their high pay.
  11. Movies and music- Free or paid?
  12. Audience members and live concert filming.
  13. Analyze a superpower you think is the best.
  14. Movie in a theater versus streaming at home?
  15. Bad boys versus good boys- Who is more interesting?

Impactful Topics for Persuasive Essays

The persuasive essay you publish should bring a certain change in the minds of your readers. Therefore, it is crucial to pick a strong and impactful topic for writing a persuasive essay. These are a few topics that will help you in creating an impactful and convincing essay.

  1. Action movies versus comedy movies?
  2. Discuss the best book of all time.
  3. Scare movies- Is it entertaining?
  4. Military draft and its use by countries.
  5. Comedy films versus Animation movies: Which is more relaxing and why?
  6. Sherlock Holmes is the best fictional detective character of all time: Evaluate the statement
  7. The United States is economically stronger compared to China: Explain
  8. Share your opinion on separating state from church
  9. Poverty is the root cause of hunger: Analyze the statement
  10. The United States and its immigration problems
  11. A drunk driver and his punishment- Is it appropriate?
  12. Restricting the number of children in a family- Role of the government.
  13. Homeless people and the provision of giving money to them.
  14. Capital punishment- Is it ethical?
  15. Pros and cons of social media.

Top Persuasive Essay Ideas

Are you interested in composing a high-score-fetching persuasive essay? If yes, then ensure to draft your persuasive essay on any of the top-rated topics we have recommended here on different themes.

  1. Role of the parents in their children’s education.
  2. Summer vacation practice versus year-round class.
  3. Teacher and student communication- Role of social media.
  4. Online learning versus classroom learning?
  5. School selection options for parents to educate their children.
  6. Free education in a college- Evaluate the statement.
  7. Students might enjoy the same rights as adults- Review the statement.
  8. Good career and college education- How does it relate?
  9. Sex education in a school- Evaluate its relevance.
  10. America is the most powerful country in the world- Justify.
  11. Analyze the most unjust law in the country.
  12. College credit helps students from low-income families to complete their studies: Evaluate the statement
  13. Is it moral to impose the death penalty on an older person?
  14. Vocational training and its effectiveness for career development
  15. Discuss the limitations of Communism

Informative Persuasive Essay Topics

The persuasive essay you develop should be convincing as well as informative. Therefore, choose a persuasive essay topic with an educational value. These are some informative persuasive essay prompts that will help you to enhance the subject knowledge of your readers.

  1. Democracy as the best form of government- Review the statement.
  2. Freedom of Speech- Evaluate its limitations.
  3. If a child is born in a foreign country, he needs to have access to its citizenship- Review.
  4. Political candidates and companies donating them.
  5. During the government shutdowns, Congress might receive their salary- Explain your viewpoint.
  6. Impact of high screen time on the children.
  7. Explain the climate change reality.
  8. Role of America to finance another moon trip.
  9. A company has permission to develop pollution if it’s producing commodities for society’s benefit.
  10. Is it ethical to sell their customer’s data?
  11. The use of placebos and clinical trials- Is this ethical?
  12. Determine the ethics of animal testing.
  13. Parents might choose their baby’s characteristics before giving birth- Review the statement.
  14. Renewable energy- Role of the government’s time and resources.
  15. Relevance of selling healthy food in schools.

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Captivating Persuasive Essay Questions

To grab the attention of your readers and make them read your persuasive essay till the end, you should select an engaging and thought-provoking topic. Listed below are some persuasive essay ideas that will help you captivate your readers.

  1. Marijuana and the step to make it legal is a good idea.
  2. Healthy people paying less for healthcare services- Review the statement.
  3. How to persuade a person to ensure more physical activities.
  4. Is healthcare a universal service?
  5. Physical education and its significance in a school.
  6. Professional sports and its dangers.
  7. Schools and its spontaneous drug testing decision among its students.
  8. Companies and its sudden drug testing decision among its employees.
  9. Identify the best season and elaborate on it.
  10. Is job satisfaction more important than making money?
  11. Explore the most significant crop to the modern economy.
  12. A morning person versus a night person?
  13. Is cloning an ethical option for a person?
  14. Life 50 years ago versus the current life?
  15. Significance of learning cursive writing in a school.

It is not always recommended to prepare a persuasive essay on a popular topic. But when you write about a frequently discussed topic, you should approach it from various dimensions and present fresh insights in your essay. Find here, some popular topics to consider for persuasive essay writing.

  1. Abolition of class ranks in schools.
  2. High or low tariff- Role of the United States.
  3. Recycling is a mandatory requirement- Review the statement.
  4. Is there an age restriction for adopting children?
  5. Significance of international aid for developing countries.
  6. Imposing a ban on certain books in schools- Role of both parents and teachers.
  7. Is Brexit harmful or beneficial for the people of the UK?
  8. Identify the best or worst president of the UK.
  9. DREAMers and US citizenship.
  10. Abolishing privately-run prisons- Review the statement.
  11. Electoral College and its abolishment.
  12. Minimizing the military budget of the United States.
  13. Anxiety increases in the adolescent phase- Evaluate the statement.
  14. Imposing a ban on nuclear power.
  15. Legalizing euthanasia- Elaborate.
  16. Should privately run prisons be abolished?
  17. What’s the best way to lower the teen pregnancy rate?
  18. Is solar energy worth the cost?
  19. Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  20. Why has anxiety increased in adolescents?

Latest Persuasive Essay Topics

If you wish to enhance your ability to articulate and defend an argument effectively, analyze and write about any recent persuasive essay prompts that have been recommended in the list uploaded here.

  1. Is solar energy worth its price?
  2. How is country life better than city life? 
  3. Do aliens exist in the real world? 
  4. Long hair versus short hair- What is your viewpoint? 
  5. Why we should populate the moon? 
  6. How is penmanship important? 
  7. Why is a snow day great for family time? 
  8. Relevance of school uniforms for all the students. 
  9. Importance of teaching etiquette in the schools. 
  10. Permission for the teens to attend the parenting class. 
  11. Why should the government impose a limit on the household trash limit? 
  12. Should skateboard helmets be made compulsory? 
  13. Why does robocalling need to be outlawed? 
  14. How is too much money a bad thing? 
  15. Why should the parents of the bully need to pay a fine? 

Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics

To prepare a persuasive essay, make sure to choose a topic that aligns with your interests and objectives. When you deal with interesting persuasive essay ideas, you will get high confidence and may also improve the quality of your writing. The following are some exciting persuasive essay titles for you to get started.

  1. Permission of pets in the school- What is your viewpoint?
  2. Role of the government in subsidizing renewable forms of energy.
  3. Benefits of stem cells in the medical field.
  4. Imposing a ban on the horse race.
  5. Facial recognition technology and the need to ban it.
  6. Steve Jobs as a good marketer or even as a visionary?
  7. Identify the greatest 21st-century invention and its influence on society.
  8. Analyze the privacy protection extent offered to Facebook users.
  9. Technology and inequality worldwide- Will inequality increase or decrease?
  10. Impact of Uber or Lyft on society.
  11. Video games and violent behaviors in real life.
  12. Evaluating the salary needs for college athletes.
  13. The compulsion for every student to attend college.
  14. Foreign language learning and its significance for the students.
  15. A break requirement for students completing their high school.

Intriguing Persuasive Essay Ideas

For writing a persuasive essay, you may very well take into consideration any intriguing topic ideas from the field of your interest. These are some impressive topics that might be helpful for you in preparing a convincing essay.

  1. Accommodation on campus for real aliens should be provided free of charge.
  2. Friendship should be mandatory or not.
  3. Standardized exams should be outlawed
  4. Are loans for students beneficial or harmful to them?
  5. Is the use of drugs and alcohol on campus considered an experiment or a real crisis?
  6. Are college relationships long-lasting?
  7. Students should be prohibited from bringing children to college classes.
  8. Participating in Sports Can Help You Change Your Life
  9. Lying is an essential component of a healthy relationship.
  10. Fraternities’ negative effects on student performance and behavior
  11. Gap when is it a good idea to start a new year?
  12. College athletes should be given more advantages in their academic lives.
  13. Vegetarianism is not a healthy lifestyle.
  14. To date, democracy is the most rational government system.
  15. GMO foods are not as dangerous as we once thought

High-quality Persuasive Essay Questions

Do you need high-quality persuasive essay titles? If yes, then the list published here might be useful to you. In the list, we have included a few top-rated topics worthy of creating a persuasive essay deserving of high scores.

  1. What do you think about the separation of church and state?
  2. Why has there been such political division in the nation in recent years? Is it repairable?
  3. Several Americans lack employment, and many industries (such as coal and manufacturing) are difficult to get employment in. How ought this issue to be resolved?
  4. Should those under the age of 18 be entitled to vote?
  5. To prevent voting fraud, should a national voter identification law be passed?
  6. What does “fake news” actually mean?
  7. There are fewer local newspapers now. What, if anything, needs to be done to address this issue?
  8. Will the United States’ immigration issue be resolved by a massive wall along its southern border with Mexico?
  9. How should the immigration issue in the US be resolved?
  10. Less than 60% of eligible voters cast ballots in the 2016 presidential election, which is much lower than in other democracies. What can be done about it (or should anything be done about it) and why do you think this is the case?
  11. What should the punishment for cheating be?
  12. Should every individual, regardless of his/her age, be allowed to participate in voting?
  13. Should same-sex marriage be considered illegal?
  14. Is it better to stay single instead of staying in an unhealthy relationship?
  15. Should juvenile criminals be punished with life imprisonment?

Unique Persuasive Essay Prompts

In case, you want your persuasive essay to stand out in the crowd, then prepare it on any topic that is not explored earlier. Working on unique convincing essay topics will help you showcase your originality, fill the knowledge gaps, and generate fresh perspectives. Here are a few unique persuasive essay ideas to focus on.

  1. Should the government be permitted to set a cap on the number of children per family if a nation is overpopulated?
  2. Should concertgoers be permitted to record live performances?
  3. Is watching a movie at a theater preferable to streaming it at home?
  4. What proportion of parental involvement in their kids’ education is appropriate?
  5. Was the early European exploration beneficial or harmful?
  6. Should Congressmen get paid during shutdowns of the government?
  7. Was it essential for America to deploy the atomic bomb during World War II?
  8. Does it make sense for businesses to support political politicians with donations?
  9. Should parents have the option to select the schools their children attend?
  10. Should convicted people who have been incarcerated be allowed to vote after serving their sentences?
  11. Can music be an effective way to treat mental illness?
  12. Is it possible to achieve the American dream, or is it only a myth?
  13. Which is more important: PE class or music class?
  14. What’s the best way to reduce cheating in school?
  15. Does foreign aid help developing countries?

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Final Words

From the list suggested above, select any topic that is interesting to you and begin writing your persuasive essay after a deep investigation. The ultimate aim of a persuasive essay is to convince target readers and make them accept the writer’s viewpoint. So, when writing a persuasive essay, you should ensure to convince your audience by presenting your arguments with valid evidence. Furthermore, besides convincing the readers, the persuasive essay you prepare should be informative, well-structured, original, and properly cited. Suppose, you face any difficulties with preparing a persuasive essay, get in touch with the knowledgeable essay writers on our team. As per your needs, they will guide you to finish writing your persuasive essay on any topic.

Jacob Smith Essay Topics Reading Time: 17 minutes

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