
95 Bullying Research Topics and Essay Ideas

Home » 95 Bullying Research Topics and Essay Ideas

Bullying is a controversial yet sensitive issue that is worth studying. Therefore, in recent times, some instructors have been asking students to work on bullying research topics. In general, bullying is defined as repeated unwanted aggressive behavior that is intended to hurt a person physically, verbally, or emotionally. Mainly, based on the methods, bullying is categorized into different types such as verbal bullying, physical bullying, social bullying, sexual bullying, and cyberbullying. When it comes to writing a research paper on bullying, you can pick any topic related to these bullying types.

If you are unsure what topic to choose for your bullying research paper, then this blog might be useful to you. For your convenience, here, we have suggested a list of engaging bullying research questions and essay topics. Additionally, we have also shared how to choose a good topic and write a well-researched academic paper on bullying.

Continue reading this blog and get captivating ideas for bullying research paper writing.

Learn How to Choose a Bullying Research Topic

The bullying research topic that you choose will play a vital role in the success of your paper. So, spend some time to identify the right topic for your bullying research paper. If you experience difficulties with topic selection, follow these steps.

  • First, determine the area of bullying that you are interested in writing about. It can be any sort of bullying such as verbal bullying, cyberbullying, etc.
  • In the chosen area, search and gather relevant bullying research ideas. To collect ideas, you may read already published articles, journals, and magazines related to the theme.
  • Next, brainstorm all the gathered ideas and narrow down the list based on its research scope, authenticity, and the availability of sources.
  • Refine the shortlisted ideas and pick a unique topic that is researchable and meets your needs.
  • Finalize the topic after consulting with your instructors.

Steps for Writing a Bullying Research Paper

Bullying Research Topics

Once you have chosen a research topic, you may go ahead and start preparing the academic paper by executing these steps.

  • Deeply analyze the selected research topic and generate a powerful thesis statement to focus on.
  • Based on your topic, use either quantitative or qualitative research methods and collect the necessary details for discussion.
  • Conduct extensive research on the chosen topic and obtain knowledge of background information by referring to existing materials.
  • Organize all the gathered ideas and create a well-structured bullying research paper outline with essential elements such as the introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Elaborate on the outline and begin writing a well-cited bullying research paper. Remember, the paper you compose should contain valid facts and evidence to prove your thesis statement. You may also quote a real-life incident in your paper and present your arguments.
  • After you finish writing, proofread the paper multiple times and correct if there are any grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citation errors in it. Submit your bullying research paper only if it is error-free and non-plagiarized.

List of Bullying Research Topics and Essay Ideas

Are you searching for the best bullying research topics or essay prompts? If yes, then without any hesitation, take a look at the list presented below. In the list, we have analyzed and added 95 outstanding bullying research paper topics.

Best Bullying Essay Topics

If you are curious about writing an essay on bullying but are unsure where to start, then the list recommended below might be useful to you. In the list, we have included some best bullying essay ideas for you to get started.

  1. Discuss the common characteristics of school bullies.
  2. Analyze the causes of workplace bullying.
  3. Write about the bystander effect in workplace bullying.
  4. Examine the correlation between bullying and suicide.
  5. Analyze the long-term effects of bullying.
  6. Explain how cyberbullying affects school children.
  7. Write about the different physical and emotional forms of bullying.
  8. Analyze how harassment affects job satisfaction.
  9. Discuss the effects of anti-bullying measures in schools.
  10. Explain how to prevent workplace bullying.
  11. Discuss the importance of anti-bullying laws.
  12. Analyze the impact of social media on bullying rates.
  13. Explain the effect of harassment acts on the perpetrators.
  14. Write about domestic violence and bullying.
  15. Analyze the impact of bullying on children with developmental disabilities.

Top Bullying Research Topics for Students

In a college research paper, students may examine and write about a topic related to any type of bullying. Many students will be clueless about what topic to select for their bullying research paper. So, to help them out, here, we have specifically published a list of research titles on bullying for students.

  1. Explain the emotional effects of workplace bullying.
  2. Analyze the factors of investigating the cases of nurse bullying.
  3. Examine the factors in group bullying participation.
  4. Investigate the impact of teacher-initiated bullying reduction strategies.
  5. Explain how adolescents should cope with bullying.
  6. Examine the gender differences in harassment behavior.
  7. Analyze the physical health impacts of bullying on adolescents.
  8. Examine the role of friendship bonds in bullying experiences.
  9. Write about the bullying of LGBTQ+ adolescents.
  10. Evaluate the efficiency of legislation to prevent bullying.
  11. Analyze the effects of bullying on a victim’s physical health.
  12. Examine the impact of bullying on the academic performance of teenagers.
  13. Investigate the effect of harassment on anxiety symptoms.
  14. Explore the effectiveness of family interventions in addressing bullying.
  15. Study the correlation between racial differences in aggression experiences.

You may also write an essay on any of the below-suggested popular bullying topics. But while you deal with a frequently discussed topic, you should address it from different perspectives and present new insights with supporting evidence.

  1. Explain the role of parenting styles in bullying.
  2. Write about the anti-bullying practices in the criminal justice system.
  3. Explain how bullying affects the social learning theory.
  4. Examine the reasons why people bully others.
  5. Study the correlation between bullying and substance abuse.
  6. How does bullying affect those who observe it?
  7. Write about the reactions when people get bullied.
  8. Discuss the three key elements of bullying
  9. Analyze the effects of social media on bullying.
  10. Explain how to support your peer who has already been bullied.
  11. Suggest some best tricks to overcome bullying.
  12. Analyze the adverse effects of bullying in schools.
  13. Explain how to increase awareness about bullying.
  14. Examine the consequences that bullied kids suffer.
  15. Explain the use of technology in bullying prevention.

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Cyberbullying Research Questions

Cyberbullying is the intentional use of digital technologies to harass, threaten, or humiliate individuals. It leads to causing emotional distress and harm online. In your bullying research paper, you may analyze and write about any of the cyberbullying research topics that are published here.

  1. Analyze the factors that help to identify online abuse.
  2. Research the psychology of aggressors who initiate cyberbullying.
  3. Examine the role of educators in online abuse issues.
  4. Suggest some best measures to prevent cyberbullying.
  5. Discuss the consequences for individuals who cause cyberbullying.
  6. Prepare a research paper on cyberstalking.
  7. Explain how cyberbullying affects the social lives of the victims.
  8. Examine the link between cyberbullying and juvenile delinquency.
  9. Write about teenage cyberbullying.
  10. Analyze the effects of cyberbullying and violent behavior on victims.
  11. Investigate the reasons behind the increasing cases of cyberbullying in modern society.
  12. Compare cyberbullying and offline bullying.
  13. Write about laws and regulations that penalize cyberbullying.
  14. Explore how anti-social behavior results in online victimization.
  15. Prepare a case study on celebrities who were affected by online harassment.

Interesting Bullying Research Topics

For preparing your bullying research paper, always take into account a relevant topic that is interesting to you. Working on a passionate topic related to bullying will help identify effective prevention strategies, support victims, and promote a safer, more empathetic school environment.

  1. Examine the impact of bullying on the bully.
  2. Analyze the correlation between bullying and self-esteem.
  3. Discuss the legal measures that should be taken to solve bullying.
  4. Explain the impact of bullying on social relationships.
  5. Examine the behaviors that children who are bullied exhibit.
  6. Discuss the importance of empathy in preventing bullying.
  7. Analyze the psychological consequences of bullying on victims.
  8. Explain the difference between teasing and bullying.
  9. Analyze the risks associated with standing up when bullied.
  10. Examine the legal implications of social bullying.
  11. Write about bullying in the healthcare environment.
  12. Discuss the role of HR in preventing workplace harassment and bullying.
  13. Suggest some recovery strategies to heal from bullying trauma.
  14. Analyze the effect of bullying on American society.
  15. Explain how to talk to children about bullying.

Latest Bullying Research Topics

In this section, we have shared a collection of the latest research ideas on bullying. By exploring the current bullying research topics, you may reveal new trends, effective interventions, and innovative solutions to combat evolving bullying behaviors and support victims.

  1. Write about the countries that have anti-bullying laws.
  2. Analyze the psychological things that bullies do to their victims.
  3. Explain the difference between harassment and bullying.
  4. Analyze the link between bullying and the school dropout rate.
  5. Write about the workplace bullying prevention policy.
  6. Discuss the impact of bullying on the mental health of a person.
  7. Suggest some of the best ways to overcome the urge to bully.
  8. Examine the impact of the pandemic on the prevalence of bullying.
  9. Write about the bullying of LGBTQ students in American schools.
  10. Prepare a research paper on bullying and conflict resolution tactics.

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Unique Bullying Research Paper Topics

Investigating unique bullying research paper topics will help you reveal fresh insights, address overlooked issues, and inform innovative solutions to combat evolving bullying behaviors effectively. These are some unique bullying topics you may consider for creating an outstanding research paper.

  1. Explore the long-term effects of bullying on a child’s mental health and well-being.
  2. Analyze how bullying affects the academic performance of students.
  3. Discuss what role parents play in preventing and addressing bullying behavior in children.
  4. Compare the differences in bullying experiences between urban and rural school settings.
  5. Examine how bullying impacts the self-esteem and body image of adolescents.
  6. Explain how cultural and societal factors influence bullying behaviors and attitudes.
  7. Investigate the effectiveness of restorative justice in addressing bullying incidents.
  8. Analyze the effects of bullying on the family dynamics of victims.
  9. Compare bullying policies and prevention strategies across different countries.
  10. Investigate the impact of bullying on the mental health of immigrant and refugee students.

Wrapping Up

All the ideas listed in this blog will be helpful for you in performing deep analysis and preparing a great academic paper on bullying. So, for your essay or research paper on bullying, from the list, you may choose to write about any topic of your choice. Once you have selected the right topic, conduct an extensive study and draft a well-structured bullying essay or research paper according to your professor’s instructions. Furthermore, to earn good scores, your academic paper on bullying topics should be informative, properly cited, and plagiarism-free. In case, it is challenging for you to research and write about bullying concepts, reach out to us. The subject experts from our team will assist you in completing an outstanding bullying essay or research paper in the way you want by using their expertise and knowledge.

Jacob Smith Research Paper Topics Reading Time: 10 minutes

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