
10 Most Popular Programming Languages 2024

Home » 10 Most Popular Programming Languages 2024

Are you interested in beginning your career in the software field but are unsure how to start? If yes, then without any hesitation, go ahead and learn any of the most in-demand programming languages in the industry. Generally, having a good knowledge of the most popular programming languages will help you shine in the software industry.

There are several programming languages available. So, initially, you might get confused about what programming language to learn. In case, you are in such a dilemma, first know which programming languages are popular, which are useful, and which are in demand on the market. This will aid you in identifying what programming language to learn to begin your career.

If you are still clueless about where to start, continue reading this blog. Here, we have analyzed and prepared a list that includes the 10 most popular programming languages that are in demand right now and will be in demand in the future.

Note that, the list we have published here is based on our research related to the current trends and our analysis on Stack Overflow’s most commonly-used, most-wanted, and most-loved programming languages.

most popular programming languages

The following are the most in-demand coding languages that you may learn to kick-start your career in software development. Each programming language has its own set of features, pros, and cons. However, all the listed programming languages are widely used by many developers in the industry for various purposes.

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1. Python

Python is a general-purpose programming language that is useful for back-end development, app development, and data science. With Python, several popular tools and platforms such as YouTube, iRobot Machines, and Google Search were developed. As per HackerRank survey results, Python holds a significant position in the most in-demand programming languages for hiring managers in America.

Typically, Python is easy to learn and use. Hence, it is suitable for both beginners and experienced programmers. This language has an extensive library for executing certain commands and tasks. Moreover, its interactive features help the programmers to test the code as they go. Python also comes with several advanced features which makes it the most-wanted programming language for developing applications. Therefore, around 50% of hiring managers have been looking for candidates with knowledge of Python.

2. JavaScript

Java Script is the second most popular programming language in 2024. It plays a major role in web development, mobile application development, game development, and web server development. As per the 2020 developer survey of Stack Overflow, nearly 69.7% of developers across the world have been using JavaScript. Moreover, it is also the most desired coding language by American hiring managers.

Typically, JavaScript is significant in managing the behavior of web pages and creating dynamic web elements such as interactive maps, animated graphics, clickable buttons, and more. Especially, by using JavaScript along with HTML and CSS, the developers can control a website and provide an excellent experience to users in terms of readability and navigation.

When compared to other coding languages, JavaScript is easy to learn. Furthermore, for this language, several communities and professional support are available online. Almost all web browsers use JavaScript and because of its top-notch usability, this language is more popular in the coding circle.

3. HTML and CSS

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the most accessible ones in the programming world. Usually, CSS is applied with HTML to govern the appearance of a website. Together both HTML and CSS are helpful for web documents, website designing, and webpage development.

HTML is a markup language that focuses only on creating and structuring text on a website. Some important parts of the HTML are sections, links, headings, and paragraphs. On the other hand, CSS plays a key role in determining the color, size, and position of all web page elements. When it comes to designing a webpage or a website, programmers widely prefer using HTML and CSS.

Both HTML and CSS are approachable and easy to learn and implement. Since the features of these two languages are helpful for developers in several ways, they highly rely on them. Moreover, this makes HTML and CSS the most popular programming languages in the world.

4. Java

Java is a general-purpose and object-oriented programming language. It helps to build e-commerce applications, handle financial transactions, and develop web applications. Currently, Java ranks third position in the most-liked programming language for hiring managers. Also, it stands in the fifth spot on Stack Overflow’s list of the most commonly used programming languages.

Java is relatively easy to learn and use. Furthermore, it can handle large volumes of data and enhance security. All these features make Java an ideal coding language for finance sectors that include banking, stock market, and billing.

Typically, Java is a versatile language that supports the ‘write-once and run-anywhere’ feature. This means, Java may run on any operating system, independent of the one used to write the original code. It is thus excellent for developing applications for not only mobile phones and PCs, but also remote processors, sensors, and several other consumer products.

5. SQL

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language that helps programmers to query and alter databases. Its primary purpose as a domain-specific language is to manage data in relational database management systems, or RDBMSs. In general, SQL is useful for database management, business management, and sales reports.

Especially, with SQL, you may edit, add, or remove records from a database in addition to finding and retrieving data from it. Although SQL is quite functional, it is not always suitable for managing large databases and performs better with smaller ones. Nevertheless, around half (54.7%) of the developers surveyed by Stack Overflow stated they use SQL, making it the third most popular language in the programming profession.

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6. C#

C# is also an object-oriented programming language. It was released by Microsoft in 2002 and currently, it stands as an improved version of the C++ programming language. Many developers prefer using C# for the development of games, desktop apps, web apps, mobile applications, and virtual reality apps.

C# is becoming more and more popular as a general-purpose language for creating desktop and web apps. Moreover, according to HackerRank, almost half of hiring managers are searching for a developer with C# coding experience. It is undeniable that this is one of the most sought-after coding languages for the upcoming year, but there are more reasons to be aware of this ability.

Similar to other widely used languages, C# has a sizable community that supports novice programmers. As a result, learning C# might be simpler than trying to learn some of the more recent and poorly documented languages. This language will likely remain valuable in the upcoming years.

7. NoSQL

NoSQL (Non-relational SQL) was developed to increase SQL’s scalability while maintaining the other language’s user-friendliness. Similar to SQL, the uses of NoSQL include database management, sales reports, and business management.

SQL makes use of relational database/stream management systems to store data in tables and let users access, modify, and extract it. On the other hand, NoSQL databases do not make use of tables and may be more beneficial than SQL in certain situations such as supporting large-scale cloud-based applications or storing data in a hierarchical network.

These two languages are highly wanted coding languages due to their extreme versatility.

8. Rust

According to Stack Overflow, Rust is one of the most popular programming languages with 86% of users saying they would like to keep using it for future development. However, only 3 percent of developers in the poll used Rust, indicating that most programmers are not aware of its benefits.

As Rust is a “multi-paradigm” programming language, programmers can use it to create applications in a range of styles. It is similar to C++ in syntax, but it has a wider range of applications supported including operating systems, web browsers, and VRs.

Rust is an excellent language to learn if you want greater cross-platform capabilities, shorter compilation times, or just better career chances.

9. Go

Go is a top-tier programming language developed at Google in 2007. It is highly efficient in concurrently executing several processes. Furthermore, compared to other programming languages, it can display a larger amount of information due to its vast “vocabulary.”  Primarily, Go is used for audio and video editing, system/network programming, and big data.

Despite having a syntax similar to C, Go is a remarkable language with excellent memory safety and management features. Moreover, a considerable deal of utility and dynamism are possible by this language’s structural type features. Also, Go is not only at the top of programmers’ lists of preferred and desired languages, but it also has a 33% compensation increase.

10. Perl

Perl is a scripting language that plays a significant role in extracting information from a text file and creating a report. Its uses include network programming, GUI development, and system administration.

Perl is an interpreted language, meaning that the code is found and a task is carried out by a third machine acting as the interpreter. Typically, interpreted programs consume more CPU power, but Perl is a very succinct language, thus it produces small scripts that run fast.

On the market, Perl is not the most widely used language. It was utilized by only 3.1% of developers in 2020. Moreover, it was not even listed among the languages that Stack Overflow users frequently used in 2019. However, we recommend it for a reason. If you have been in your job for a while, learning Perl could greatly increase your earning potential.

As per HackerRank, Perl developers earn nearly 54 percent more than the average software developer. Therefore, mastering a language such as Perl may still qualify a junior developer for a promotion.

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Hopefully, by now, you will have gained a basic understanding of the most popular programming languages. If you are an established coder or a person who is about to start a career in programming, then learning a new language is the best way to advance your career.

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